Surely he wasn’t going to go back on everything he’d said?
Isaac clasped her hands as if to prevent her from bolting. ‘I’m going to apply for planning permission to turn the derelict barn into a studio,’ he said in a rush. ‘If I get it, then I’ll sell my London flat to finance it.’
‘Oh!’ Sophia sagged with relief.
Pulling her onto his lap, Isaac cradled her in his arms. ‘I want you here more than my next breath. Now I’ve met you, living on my own doesn’t hold any appeal.’
‘Sorry,’ she mumbled into his chest. ‘After everything I’ve been through, this level of happiness is going to take some getting used to.’
Isaac nuzzled her cheek. ‘All I want is for you to be happy. You promise to tell me if I annoy you?’
Sophia didn’t reply. Right now she couldn’t imagine any situation where Isaac and her might fall out.
‘I will, but I can’t see it ever happening.’
‘Even with all the dad jokes?’
She smirked. ‘They’re endearing.’
He huffed. ‘Tell that to my brothers.’
‘Gosh, I hadn’t even thought about meeting each other’s families. I told my mum I was going to see a friend this afternoon and might stay the night.’
His smile lit up his face. ‘Will you stay?’
She nodded shyly. ‘Yes, please.’
Isaac looked so happy, Sophia’s heart was suddenly too big for her chest. This was her life now. Joy and contentment with this incredible man.
‘I know we won’t always get time together with your job being in Salisbury. But when we do, I want to make the most of every minute.’
She stilled, her hand flying to her mouth. In all the uncertainty and drama of the last few days, Isaac had no idea what had happened in her work life.
‘I forgot… You don’t know.’
‘Know what?’
She shuffled off the bed, pulling on her dress. ‘It’s a good thing, I promise! Give me five minutes. I just need to get my bag from the car.’
Dashing down the track between the trees, Sophia’s heart sang louder than the birds overhead.
This is my life!
Grabbing her bag, she ran back to the house.
Isaac met her at the door, wearing his linen trousers slung indecently low on his hips.
She kissed him loudly on the lips, then pulled out her phone.
‘I went back to the dig site with Maggie. She’ll adore you, by the way, and we dug a test pit in the area I’d always wanted to excavate.’
Sophia was so excited she was bouncing on the balls of her feet. ‘And we found this!’
She showed him a photo of the torc sticking half out of the soil.