“You could have stayed at my place, you know,” Chrissy murmurs from next to me on the guest bed.
The only argument I’ve won with King to date.
That I’m staying in the guest room.
And he’s sleeping in his own bed.
Waking next to him this morning had been?—
Right in all the wrong ways.
“I know,” I say, “and I might take you up on that. But, King’s right. Phillip’s been to your place, knows that Rome lives next door.” I sigh and my ribs protest a little. “I know your dad has his security working on tracking him down”—doubly so after last night—“so I also know it won’t be long, but…”
“You’ll just stay put here until that’s done,” Chrissy says. She lightly bumps her leg against mine. “That makes sense.”
I bump her back, just as carefully, pleased when my ribs barely complain.
My throat, on the other hand. I still sound like a vampy old Hollywood actress.
I run my fingers through Zeus’s soft fur, the pup having been glued to my side since King carried me back into the house. And, not that I would admit it to anyone, but he was my favorite corgi of the litter that we rescued from a hoarder house not long ago. Adorable, sweet, and lazy for the breed, more cuddler than herder, but with a high ball drive.
Perfect for a busy man with a demanding career. No endless hikes or stimulation needed, just some basic daily exercise and spending the rest of the day following King around.
Plus, he and his sis, Athena, get plenty of playdates together because Rome was also suckered into buying a house in Corgi Town (a.k.a. adopting one of the mischievous pups).
Who could resist their tiny legs and floofy bodies?
A sociopath, that’s who.
My mouth kicks up, wounds inside me settling the slightest bit.
Because animals don’t judge you or break your heart.
Because…I’ll get through this.
Because…I’ve gotten through worse.
“All of which means that now we get to veg and eat this delicious cake”—she holds up the groom’s cake that we’re making a serious dent in—“and watch the Eagles take on the Grizzlies.” Chrissy picks up the remote and starts clicking through the guide of the streaming service.
It’s almost game time, I realize, as she selects the channel and brings up the feed.
“I can’t believe you’ve turned into a hockey fan,” I grumble.
Her mouth kicks up. “Just because you can’t stand sports in general but hockey in particular…” She slants a gaze my way. “Why is that, anyway?”
Because a certain sexy King-like player is on the team.
And because I was in a relationship and couldn’t think about any man the way my mind wants to when it comes to King.
Dangerous. Tempting. With the potential to wound deeply and permanently, and?—
Plus, his reputation precedes him.
A playboy through and through.