I freeze, the voice sliding like ice down my spine, panic gripping me for a heartbeat before my fight-or-flight kicks in and I drop my stuff, whip back toward the house.
My computer makes a sickening sound as it crashes against the concrete floor, my purse scattering its contents alongside it.
That doesn’t matter.
I leave it all as I slam back inside, kicking myself for not being aware of my surroundings as I push the door shut behind me.
Or try to.
Then Phillip is shoving it inward.
And I’m not strong enough to stop the momentum, not strong enough to keep him out.
Heart in my throat, I release the wooden panel, let it crash open against the wall.
I leave that too, knowing it probably damaged the Sheetrock, having the inane thought that it had to happen right after King spent time repairing the hole he made when he punched the wall in the bedroom all those weeks before.
I sprint down the hall, intent on the front door and escape and?—
I don’t get there.
A hand grips my shoulder and yanks me back, fingers digging into my flesh so hard that I cry out in pain.
“Stop!” I shout. “Let me go!”
“You’ve ruined it,” Phillip snarls.
“Let. Go.” I grab at his hand, wrench back a finger like King did to Stacy at the bakery, getting her to release me.
And it works.
Phillip grunts, grip loosening enough that I slip free, that I run for the front door again.
Unfortunately, I don’t get far because this time, he grabs a handful of my hair and yanks me to a halt.
Fire burns along my scalp and I cry out, hands coming up to grab at his wrists, trying to staunch the pain, to find a way to get him to let me go. But his hold just tightens and?—
“Woof! Woof! Woof! WOOF!”
Nails scrabble on the floor as Zeus’s tiny fluffy body turns the corner. His teeth are bared and eyes fierce as he launches himself at us.
At Phillip.
Who shrieks. “Ow! Fuck!”
The grip on my hair loosens enough that I’m able to pull free. I look down, see that Zeus has attached himself to Phillip’s ankle and?—
My ex kicks out with his other foot.
The crunch is sickening.
Zeus yelps as he skids across the floor, slamming into the cabinets.