There’s laughter in his tone.
But only for a second, his hands tightening on my waist for a heartbeat before he lets go in a rush.
“Zeus, no!”
I’m spinning, reeling, blinking at the sudden change.
Kissing to chaos. Cradled close, protected to…alone on a cold, hard counter.
Then he’s bending.
And I process.
“Oh God,” I whisper, scooching to the end of the counter, looking between my naked wrist and the charms scattered on the floor.
Charms that are being chewed up like a scattering of tasty kibble by Zeus.
“Oh my God,” I say, still whispering as I push off, settle my feet on the ground. “My?—”
Tears are stinging the backs of my eyes, even before I realize that King is bending, gripping his mouth, swiping a finger inside.
And that cheap, tarnished chain is retrieved from his mouth.
But one glance tells me enough.
It’s ruined.
And something inside me, one of those long-buried fragile and hidden pieces…
“No,” I whisper, dropping to my knees, hands darting in all directions, trying to gather up the pieces.
But they’re wet and chewed and broken.
Like the chain.
Chewed up. Dropped into a puddle on the side of the road. Broken into a million pieces.
Loss and grief and change.
Nothing permanent.
Nothing that’s precious to me is safe.
Not ever.
“Excuse me,” I whisper, pushing up to my feet. “I?—”
King glances up from his spot next to Zeus, lightly chastising the pup.
“Not his fault,” I say. “I?—”
I should have known better than to care, to expose those soft, real parts of my soul to the world.
I. Should. Have. Known. Better.