Rory’s hand clenches on my leg and I watch panic slide over her like a heavy blanket. “I—um…”
I cover her fingers with my own, link our hands together.
“You know how I am with my closet,” I say lightly. “Rory doesn’t believe in color coding, so our clothes exist much more peacefully in separate spaces. Isn’t that right, princess?”
Rory unsticks. “Yeah,” she croaks. “You know how organized he is.” She shrugs. “I’m not remotely as organized. Plus”—she smiles—“King was here first and had all those suits. It makes sense he gets the bigger closet.”
My mom’s gaze flicks from me to Rory.
Then back to me.
“And the wedding dress?”
Rory freezes.
I freeze.
But my mom doesn’t.
Stella squeals and jumps toward me, folding me in her arms so quickly that I don’t have time to react.
I’m just surrounded in warm, soft Mom and it settles somewhere deep inside, soothes wounds so buried in my soul that I forgot they existed at all.
I inhale, commit her scent to memory and then get it together enough to hug her back.
But it’s only for a moment because then she’s bouncing away, moving over to King and hugging him tight. “My baby’s engaged! I can’t believe it. When were you going to tell me?” She cups his cheeks in both palms, turns his head from side to side as she kisses both of them. “I’m so happy for you.”
King’s eyes hit mine over his mom’s shoulder.
They’re wide and panicked and?—
This was a stupid idea.
I’d better come clean. Right now.
I open my mouth, but Kingston beats me to it.
“Mom,” he says. “It’s new—really new”—his eyes flick to mine and away—“so I’d appreciate it if you give us some time to settle.”
Stella’s head bobs up and down. “Of course. Of course.” She mines zipping and locking her lips. “I didn’t see a thing.”
Only my wedding dress.
God, how could I have been so dumb to have left it in the closet? Hung up and zipped away in the garment bag, yes. Not out of sight, but clearly out of mind.
And why had I left my ring at Phillip’s place?
At least that would be helpful in this farce of a situation.