“That’s my mom,” I say and shrug again. “She gets an idea in her mind and then just…puts her head down and grinds through.”
Rory’s lips twitch. “Like a certain hockey player I know.”
She leaps forward, covers my mouth with her hand. “We’ve been getting along so well,” she says like she’s imparting state secrets. “Can we just leave the prickle insults alone?”
She’s close enough that I can see her eyes have specks of peridot amongst the emerald, that she has a small scar on her chin, that the tiny stud shaped like a flower she wears in her nose is missing a crystal in one of the petals.
And I don’t think.
I press my lips to her palm.
She gasps, hand falling away from my mouth, the charms on the bracelet from her dad tinkling.
I go still—watching, assessing, searching for any sign of unease on her face.
But there’s no fear in her eyes.
“King,” she murmurs, her body drifting toward mine.
I settle a hand on her hip, draw her toward me until our bodies are pressed together. I inhale the soft floral scent of her deep enough in my lungs to scent the hint of Everything cookies in her hair, on her skin.
Soft curves.
A palm settling on my chest, just over my heart as she rises on tiptoe.
I bend down, mouth coming to hers?—
Just as the doorbell rings.
Sending Zeus barking and skidding down the hall.
I curse softly, but she smiles and backs away. “I’ll get it.”
“No,” I murmur, taking her hand, drawing her to a halt. “You stay here and…” I trace my thumb over that plump bottom lip. “Hold that thought.”
She inhales, eyes wary for a moment. Then they clear, determination entering their depths, and she nods.
I step back, turn for the hall and the front door and Zeus barking on this side of it.
I scoop him up, turn the handle, and?—
“Surprise!” my mother says, launching herself into my arms. “I’m early!”
“My baby boy!” I hear. “I’ve missed you so much.”
I freeze, heart sinking.
It’s not Rome or Chrissy or Jean-Michel—all of whom have popped in over the last days to check on me. I’d been looking forward to the interruption, to them breaking the tension?—