Page 136 of Lace 'em Up

King’s broken hockey stick—so expertly wielded by Stella a few hours before—is on the counter because I didn’t know if I should throw away the pieces or if it could be repaired. But the glass from the broken vase is swept up and my purse contents have been retrieved—though my laptop is done for.

Thankfully, my boss is cool.

Other good news? The pie is nearly done.

Carbs to make the bad news seem less…bad.

“Honey,” Stella says softly.

I look up, see that she’s watching me with concern—something she’s done from the moment Phillip slumped to the floor.

“I’m okay,” I tell her.

“Rory,” she says, tone disapproving.

“I really am okay.” I inhale. Exhale. “I mean, I’m not because what Phillip did should never be okay.” I meet her eyes. “But also…my past isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. I’ve—” I shake my head. “I’ve been through worse.”

She puts down the cheese, crosses over to me and takes my hand. “Sweetheart?—”

“I’m sorry you were in the crossfire of my asshole ex.”

“That’s not?—”

“But you gave me something today, even if you don’t realize it. You helped me fight. Helped me realize I don’t have to stand by and take what life hands to me. I can hold tight to what I want.”

She sniffs again. “Sweet girl,” she murmurs. “You deserve the world.”

My heart squeezes. “Don’t,” I order, adding lightly, “Only because I think crying will make my ribs start hurting again.”

Another sniff, but this one is mixed in with a laugh, and I know we’re going to be okay. “Strong girl.” She pulls me into a gentle hug. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

I carefully squeeze her back. “I’m better than I’ve been in a long time,” I say. “Now”—I pull back, nod to the pie—“am I putting the cheese in or are you?”

She laughs and we go back to baking, the events of the morning not forgotten, but tucked away.

Being brave and kind doesn’t seem like such a struggle right now.

Because I can have good things.

Because I can have everything.

Yes, I’m worried about King and if he’s going to be upset because he wasn’t here to protect me like he thinks he should.

Even though what happened wasn’t on him.

If anything…

It’s on me.

I picked Phillip. I ignored the red flags. I let myself become small as I was shuttled along to a future I didn’t want, a life that didn’t make me happy.

All because I didn’t think I deserved anything better.

But I’ve had this time with King.

I know what love can feel like.

And now…