I can take a hockey stick to it. Or a vase.
Or…I can live in the moment, love the people I love, and fight to make sure I have the future I want.
“He’ll be pissed,” Jean-Michel says quietly, probably reading me stuck in my thoughts as worry for King. And I am worried. A lot. But also…I’m ready to fight. “I know I would be.” Shadows slide across his face. “When Christina—” His eyes slide closed and I know he’s thinking about Chrissy, about what she went through when she was just a teenager. “It took a long time to forgive myself for my failings.”
“You didn’t fail her.”
“You don’t see it that way.” A beat. “Neither does she. But…”
“That doesn’t change what’s in her heart and mind,” I say.
“No,” he agrees. “It doesn’t.” His expression gentles. “But he’ll see you, and he’ll remember that it’s not about him.”
This man.
He’s pretty fucking great. Just like?—
“I had a great dad,” I tell him softly. “And then I had nothing. For a long time, it was…well, nothing. But you and Chrissy, you both gave me something huge and beautiful and?—”
Be brave and kind.
“I love you and I’m so lucky that you’re in my life.”
He stiffens, and I know I’ve likely finally pushed Jean-Michel too far.
Which is why I give him an out.
My mouth hitches up. “Should I change the subject back to design work?”
He smiles, but it quickly flattens out as he turns and cups my cheeks in his hands. “If King ever hurts you, I’ll take him out myself.” He gathers me close, squeezes me tight, whispering in my ear. “Because I’m the lucky one.” His voice drops further. “And I love you too, kiddo. ”
That wound, the once-gaping crevice in my soul? It’s gone.
I open my mouth?—
Someone sniffs.
I lift my head from Jean-Michel’s shoulder and see that Mama Bang is swiping a finger under her eyes. “Sorry,” she says. “That—” A wave of her hand. “It’s just…beautiful.” She sniffs again.
Jean-Michel pulls back enough to meet my stare, mouth curving, expression bemused as he shakes his head. “I need to finish up with Pascal and hop on a plane.” His eyes flick to the side as Stella starts yanking tissues out of the box on the counter, escape clearly in the forefront of his mind. “I’ll…leave you to it.”
Impending tears making the formidable businessman run.
Maybe an Achilles’ heel?
I grin, but shift to the side, clearing that escape route for him. “Thank you,” I say. “For everything.”
He tugs a lock of my hair. “Precious girl,” he murmurs.
And now I’m the one at risk of sniffing.
Something he seems to sense because he makes a quick exit.
And then it’s just me and Mama Bang.
And the pie she’s putting together.