Page 134 of Lace 'em Up

Apparently, that’s not possible.

At least I have two higher beings on my side?—

My fairy godmother, er godfather, and…

Mama Bang.

(And her hockey stick).

“Come see me in the office sometime,” Dr. Halston says, handing me a card. “For a yearly exam and not”—she waves a hand at my torso—“all of this.”

I chuckle. “I’ll do that.” I pocket the card. “Thank you for coming.”

A squeeze of my shoulder. “Stay safe.”

We exchange goodbyes and I see that Jean-Michel is done talking to Pascal—the security chief having disappeared somewhere. Jean-Michel nods at me before walking Dr. H. out.

But he’s not gone long, striding back into the kitchen several moments later, and sinking down into the chair next to me.


It’s exhausting being my fairy godfather.

“I know I’ve asked you,” he says, “but are you sure you’re okay?”

I nod, glad that I’ve taken the maximum dose of ibuprofen so that moving doesn’t hurt. “I’m fine,” I tell him. “I mean, I’m not because…well, how can anyone be okay with that?” I hold back my shiver. “But this means that Phillip won’t be let out of jail again, right?”

Jean-Michel nods. “I’m going to make sure of that.”

“Then…I’m good.”

He bumps his shoulder against mine. “You and Chrissy.”

My brows drag together.

“You’re some of the strongest people I know.”

My heart squeezes tightly. “Because you helped me get there. No,” I add when he starts to shake his head. “I don’t think you know how important you are to me. I had no one,” I whisper. “Until you saw something in me.”

“Aurora, honey?—”

“You saw me and you valued me and you protected me, and there wasn’t an ulterior motive?—”

“Aside from free design work?” he teases, and I know it’s because this is a lot and he’s uncomfortable and…

I don’t care.

I’m wielding vases.

I’m swimming to shore.

I’m…fuck it, I’m going to make some plans for the future—a future that includes this man and King and Chrissy and Rome and Cam.

Because I’m valuable and important?—

And even if my past isn’t pleasant, even if it might crop up and try to yank me down…

I don’t have to let it.