As we’re driving back to my apartment, I pull out my phone to send that text to Ethan before I forget.
ME: Let’s do something together this week. Away from my apartment, he likes to watch through the cameras.
I don’t even get to put my phone in my pocket before I feel it vibrating with his answer.
ETHAN: Drinks? I have Thursday night free if you want to go to the bar.
“Who are you texting?” Jonah asks curiously. He doesn’t sound suspicious, just genuinely curious, but I don’t know how far his job goes.
“If I tell you, and you know Cain won’t like it, will you have to tell him?” I’m sure Cain would want to know about my interactions with Ethan, especially with everything that’s happened between them. The longer I can keep this a secret from him, the better. If he finds out my plans before Thursday, I know he’ll ruin them.
Jonah glances at me from the corner of his eye, which is enough of an answer for me.
Chapter 33
The Monster
“Fancy seeing you here, little one,” I greet Ainsley as I walk up behind her, catching her by surprise. She turns on her stool slowly, with her drink still in her hand. As she stares at me, trying to process seeing me here, she mindlessly raises the glass to her lips and chugs the rest of her drink.
This place already has me on edge, making me clench my jaw while I try to fake a smile.
“Cain,” I hear my brother greet me. His jaw is clenching, too, as he tries to hide his anger that I’m here to ruin his night. If he thought he could get Ainsley to himself, he thought wrong.
Ainsley doesn’t know I installed an app on her phone that not only tracks her but also sends me every text sent to and from her phone, as well as her call history. No matter how well she tried to hide her plans for tonight, I would have found out. It may be an invasion of her privacy, but nothing is off limits when it comes to keeping her safe.
Before Ainsley can come up with some excuse, or try to placate me, I slide onto the stool next to her and order a drink. Might as well let them know I’m planning to stay as long as they are.
“Cain,” she starts, finally snapping out of her state of shock as she swivels her stool toward me. I have to admit, having her attention on me while her back is to Ethan sends a jolt of euphoria through me. He’s glaring at me over her shoulder, but I don’t pay him any attention.
Instead, I’m focused on the mix of emotions on Ainsley’s face. Shock is still the most prevalent, closely followed by anger. A reaction I expected, so it doesn’t phase me.
“I figured I’d join you for a drink, since I haven’t seen you all day and you weren’t at your apartment when I arrived,” I tell her as the bartender shows up with my drink. I hand him cash without checking how much it is, to which he stutters out his gratitude while I keep my attention on Ainsley.
“How did you…” she pauses, trying to gather her thoughts. The second her face lights up, I think she has me figured out, but then she just says, “Jonah told you.”
If only that were true. Unfortunately, Jonah is much more loyal to Ainsley than he is to me, though he’d never admit it. If she asked him to keep this little rendezvous a secret, he would have complied. Which is one reason I had the app installed on her phone.
“No,” I answer her. While I’d love for her to think that Jonah is in my corner, I want her to continue trusting him. “I have my own ways.”
“So, you’re back to being the monster,” she sneers. As soon as the words are out of her mouth, she turns on her stool, attempting to turn her attention back to Ethan. I stop her by grabbing the stool, twisting her back to me, and then pulling her close enough that I can trap her between my legs.
Leaning into her ear, I whisper, “What else am I supposed to do when you lie to me?”
She gasps as she pulls away from me. I watch as she searches my eyes for any hint of regret for what I’ve done, but she won’t find any. Tracking her every move is the least of my crimes when it comes to her.
“Ains, we can do this another time -” Ethan starts, drawing her attention to him, but she cuts him off. He’s still glaring at me, so he doesn’t miss my look that clearly says, If you think I’ll ever leave you alone with her, you’re sorely mistaken.
“No,” Ainsley tells him. “He’s not going to ruin our night. Just give us a minute, okay?”
Ethan nods his head as Ainsley drops from her stool and grabs my hand, dragging me with her until we’re in the quietest corner we can find in here.
“I never told you I wouldn’t spend time with my best friend,” Ainsley spits at me as soon as she stops and turns to me. “How did you know where we were, anyway?”
Reaching out, I brush a strand of hair behind her ear. She looks beautiful tonight. She’s dressed up in a purple dress that hugs every curve she has, her makeup accentuates her features without being too much, and her hair falls in loose waves.
I only wish it was me she dressed up for tonight.
“I was sitting in that booth right over there,” I start, motioning to the booth to our left, “when I watched you flirting with another man until you took him home with you. You can imagine my déjà vu when I walked in here to find Ethan’s hands all over you.”