“You never wanted me back,” she tells me, sounding confident in her delusional words. “You wanted to reel me back in, make me fall in love with you, just so you could crush me and cause me the same pain I caused you when I left.”
It’s the most twisted logic I’ve ever heard, and if I was anything but completely obsessed with her, it might actually sound like a good idea. But, I am completely obsessed with her, and anyone who would dare hurt her has to answer to me. That includes myself.
That must be what Christina told Ainsley to convince her to leave me, though. And through her eyes, I can see exactly why she rushed out of that house and away from me. It doesn’t make me any less angry that she believed it, but I can understand it.
“That’s adorable, baby,” I chuckle at her, which earns me a hateful glare. “And you’re partially right. I did want to reel you back in, and I did want to make you fall in love with me, but it’s not because I wanted to crush you. It’s because I want to own you. I want to possess you, how you possess me. The thought of hurting you? Never crossed my mind, because your pain is the last thing I want to see.”
A spark of hope lights up her eyes, but it dies before I can even get excited. She doesn’t believe me yet. But she will.
“She knew too much. She knew about you carving my name into your skin. And about how I caved last night, and you fucked me against the house. Apparently, you told her about that. Oh, and there’s still the fact that she had a key to your house.”
I’m still trying to figure that last one out. I have no idea how she had a key, or if she’s just good at picking locks and lied about having the key to get to Ainsley.
“What else, little one? Tell me everything, so I can address it all at once.”
I’m already losing patience. All of this would be easier if she just threw it at me all at once, so I know exactly what I’m fighting against. I want her to believe me, but I wish none of this was happening in the first place.
So, that’s exactly what she does. She starts with Christina coming into the house like she owns the place, calling for me like it’s normal for her to be there. She told Ainsley we had a fling when we were younger, which is true, but then told her we started up again after Ainsley left me. Christina said that I was carving Ainsley’s name into my skin to remind myself of the pain she caused me when she left, and I had this devious plan to get revenge.
The tears are streaming down Ainsley’s cheeks as she relives the things Christina said to her, making my hands itch to murder someone. Particularly Christina, and whoever else is behind this.
“I’m only going to say this once, and you’re going to listen, understand?” Ainsley stares at me through her tears, listening with her breath held. No matter how upset or hurt she is, she still wants to believe that none of this is true. “There will never be another girl for me. It’s been you, and only you, for years. And it’s only going to be you for the rest of my life, even if you decide you’re tired of me.”
Her expression softens at my declaration, but she still gives no sign of fully believing me.
“I slept with Christina, but it was years ago. Before you became the only girl on my mind. I haven’t touched her since, nor have I really acknowledged her presence. You already know why I was carving your name into my skin, but as for how she knows, well, it wasn’t exactly a secret. Anyone can see it if I’m not wearing a shirt. Which isn’t uncommon for me to do when I’m outside, or when I get into a fight with one of the men. As for last night, well, we were outside,” I remind her before leaning in close so I can whisper in her ear. “Anyone could have seen us or heard you screaming my name.”
A shiver runs through her body at my words, making me add that to my mental list of kinks to try with her. Exhibitionism. Not that I want anyone else to see what she looks like when she comes on my cock, but maybe I could find something that gives the illusion of being watched while being completely private.
“You didn’t address her having a key to your house,” she reminds me, as if that little piece of information possibly could have slipped my mind.
Instead of answering, I pull the phone out of my pocket and pull up the feed for the camera pointed at the front door. Ainsley watches as the men work and Jonah supervises, making sure it’s all done to my specifications.
“Because I don’t have an answer for you, but I have a solution. The locks are being changed as we speak, so if she somehow made a copy of my key, she no longer has access. If she picked the lock, well, that’ll be taken care of once you come home with me.”
I can see the fight in her dying as I wipe the tears from her cheeks, wishing they weren’t there. Today was supposed to be a new start for us. A new beginning to a future I couldn’t wait to share with her.
“What do I need to do to convince you she was lying?” She knows I would do anything for her. She’s always known that. All she needs to do is tell me what will make this better, and I’ll do it.
The wheels in her mind turn as she tries to think of an answer, a way that we could put this all behind us. A small light flares to life in her eyes as an idea comes to mind.
“I want to go through your phone,” she states. Without hesitation, I hold out my phone to her. As she goes to grab it, I pull it back just slightly.
“One condition. Go lay in your bed. While you’re scrolling through my phone and finding nothing, I’m raiding your medicine cabinet and getting you some painkillers.”
Her head was already going to be pounding today, but after all that stress and the retching into the toilet she just did, she has to feel like there are tiny men trying to drill holes through her head. Stepping back, I allow her space to walk around me and to her bedroom, where I watch as she lies down. The second her head gently sinks into her pillow, I hand my phone to her and she starts scrolling, a look of determination etched into her features.
I leave her alone with my phone while I head out to the kitchen and find her medicine cabinet. It doesn’t take long for me to find a bottle of Tylenol, shake two out, and fill a glass of water.
By the time I get back to the bedroom, Ainsley is staring at the ceiling with my phone on the bed next to her. Silently, I hand her the medicine and water and watch as she sits up and swallows the pills before downing the glass of water.
“Would you like more?” I offer. The cool water probably felt good on what’s sure to be a sore throat. Instead of an answer, she sets the glass on her nightstand and glares at me.
“I didn’t find anything,” she announces, referring to her scan of the contents of my phone. I knew she wouldn’t, but her anger is throwing me off guard. “That doesn’t mean you didn’t delete any incriminating evidence before you got here. You could even have another phone for all I know.”
Snapping my teeth together is the only thing that keeps me from bursting with anger. One person tells lies, and suddenly every ounce of trust I’ve built with Ainsley vanishes. Seriously, a second phone? At this point, she wants to believe Christina, but I’m not going to let that happen.
“I didn’t delete anything, and I don’t have the patience for another phone,” I tell her through my teeth. “What else can I do?”