Page 52 of Unveiled

“No,” I answer. “I want to stay at my apartment, with my friends. But, maybe I could spend weekends here?”

“Let me suggest something, and you can think about it before you answer,” he tells me as he motions for me to close my eyes and dip my hair in the water so he can rinse it out. “We can be here on the weekends. But, during the week, I can come to you. You can have your freedom to be in classes and do your homework with Jonah watching over you, but I’ll be there to warm your bed every night. And, if you’re up to it, maybe I could come early and take you on some actual dates once in a while.”

Cain, taking me to dinner and a movie. It’s almost laughable as I try to imagine it, but at the same time, it’s the perfect solution. I don’t even need to think of my answer.

“Yes,” I squeal excitedly. We’ll have the separation to both do our work, while I go to classes and he works on running the cartel and hunting down his father, but at night, we’ll sleep in each other’s arms. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that first.

“If only you were that excited to answer me every time I’ve asked you to marry me,” he grumbles in response, earning him a smile as I relax into his hands again.

Chapter 20


If I click through one more channel, I’m going to lose my mind. Who would have thought that there would be nothing playing on the TV at two o’clock on a Wednesday? I guess I could pick a streaming service, but I’m not really in the mood to watch anything. Too much is going through my mind to focus on an entire movie.

Cain left a few hours ago. We spent the morning in bed, just relaxing in each other’s arms. After the events of yesterday, it was a nice way to just relax and be together without the rest of the world interrupting us.

On the bright side, my recent injuries mean I don’t have to worry about training anymore. Though, after how easily I was knocked out last night, maybe training was best for me.

I have no idea where he went. He just told me he had errands to run, and that he would be home later. I never would have imagined myself sitting on the couch, waiting for him to come home again, but everything changed between us yesterday. Now, I want him to come home to me every day, just so I can see his infectious smile.

The lock clicks, filling the surrounding room with its noise as the door swings open. Finally, I think to myself. At least now, I won’t have to be bored all by myself.

It’s still hard to believe that he left me alone in the first place. Jonah is around somewhere, making sure I’m safe, but it’s not like Cain to leave after what happened last night. He would want to be here, being completely overbearing and watching me every second.


Every hair on my arms stands straight up as the tinkling voice fills my ears. There are only three people besides me I’ve ever seen inside this house, and that voice doesn’t belong to any of them.

“Cainy, are you here?”

I watch in horror as the owner of the voice rounds the corner into the living room, typing away on her phone and not even paying attention to her surroundings. Like she’s been here a hundred times and knows exactly where she’s going.

As much as I hate her familiarity with the house, I hate her looks even more. I should love them, really, because she looks exactly like me. Her blonde hair is a shade lighter than mine, the blue eyes staring a hole through her phone are almond-shaped, and she’s maybe an inch taller than me.

She stops in front of me and finally raises her eyes, looking me over as shock crosses her features. “Oh. It’s you,” she states.

“It’s me,” I agree, my voice angry where hers is surprised. “And you are…”

She pushes her phone into her back pocket and stands straighter, getting ready for the confrontation my crossed arms are promising.

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry,” she tells me instead of answering my question. “Here, you should probably sit for this. Is Cainy home?”

“His name is Cain,” I snap, irritated at the pet name she’s given him. Cain isn’t the type of guy to put up with something like that. “And I’d prefer to stand.”

She sighs, as if what she has to say is going to be hard to hear. “We’ve met before. Well, not officially. I saw you at Cain’s promotion ball, but I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Christina.”

Christina holds out a hand for me to shake while a sickeningly sweet smile stretches across her painted lips. Actually, her entire face is painted on. One good slap with a wet paper towel is all it would take to reveal a face I’m sure is just as hideous as the outfit she’s wearing.

Speaking of which, my eyes travel down her body as a sneer graces my own lips. She’s wearing a tight, revealing red dress, much like what Carlos used to dress me in. Actually, I think I might have been forced to wear that exact dress at some point.

“Why are you here?” I ask, cutting straight to the important question. Whatever her reason, I want her out of here. I don’t know her connection to Cain, but if she was at that ball, how do I know she’s not here to finish what Cain’s father started?

The door was locked, my traitorous thoughts whisper to me. How did she get in?

“Oh, sweetie,” she soothes me condescendingly, making me hate her even more. “Are you sure you don’t want to sit down for this? It won’t be easy for you to hear.”

Just then, Jonah comes rushing through the front door. He’s on high alert as his eyes scan the situation in the living room. As soon as he assures himself I’m okay, his stare turns to the intruder.