“Because if you didn’t, you would have plenty of women around you instead of having to buy one from another man,” she retorts.
I can’t hide the chuckle as the reprimanded man walks away from her, but I’m not the only one laughing in the room. My turn. I’m not going to give one of them another chance to say something degrading to her without making sure she knows I’m here.
As I approach her, I copy the other men and walk a circle around her. The outfit she’s in barely covers her, making me want to rip off my shirt and give it to her so they have nothing left to look at. My name on her back has turned mostly to scar, making it look less painful than the last time I saw her. I want to reach out and trace the letters, but stop myself.
Once I’m in front of her, I crouch down and lift her chin with my finger, forcing her to look at me. She resists at first, but as soon as I have her chin lifted enough that she sees me, her eyes widen with surprise and I see tears welling up. I inspect the bruise on the side of her face, clenching my jaw as I see the black fading to yellow covering her skin.
At this moment, I’m grateful it took me so long to show Ainsley my face when we first met, because I know she can read the warning in my eyes. She can’t give away that it’s me under this mask. She can’t show recognition, or hope, or happiness. But, I’m here for her, and she’s safe.
“Tell me something, little one,” I start, making my voice deeper so my father doesn’t recognize me. Despite the difference, Ainsley relaxes as the sound of my voice soothes her nerves. “Have you ever been fucked by a gun?”
She smirks, remembering the night she found me in the basement. The night I wanted to break her and make her fall in love with me at the same time. The night that started it all for us.
“I’ve read about it in some of my books. Do you think that means I would enjoy it?” she answers, trying to stay close to what she said to me that night.
With a smile I hope she can see through my eyes, I lift my finger from her chin and trail it down her cheek gently. “Would you like to find out?”
After the words fall from my mouth, I stand up, not wanting to linger and look suspicious. It nearly breaks me to turn my back to Ainsley and walk away, but when I turn back around, I find a new sense of bravery painted on her face. Knowing I’m here for her was exactly what she needed.
One by one, the rest of the men in the room approach her as I watch. They all walk around her, inspecting her like a horse they’re intending to buy. Some of them speak to her, making degrading comments only for her to come back with a snarky comment of her own. Others prefer to look and walk away, not wanting to be humiliated by the small girl meant to be silent and obedient.
“We’re in position,” I hear through my earpiece. Silently acknowledging Jonah, I keep my eyes focused on the front of the room, waiting for the moment when I can intervene.
“Gentleman,” my father announces with a wide smile on his face, looking proud about what he’s planning to do. “This girl once belonged to Cain Ryker, leader of the Reapers, as you can see from the scar on her back. As revenge against him, I’m offering her to you. You can use her however you choose, if you’re willing to purchase her. If you are no longer interested, please, leave the premises. If you choose to stay, we will begin bidding.”
I watch as a few men leave with their bodyguards, deciding they no longer want to be a part of this. They don’t give their reasoning as they leave, and I want to believe it’s because they decided against crossing me. Any man that lays eyes on Ainsley would want her for their own, so it can’t be that they’re no longer interested in her.
Once the crowd has settled and the remaining men stand their ground, ready to throw whatever money they have into the ring, my father starts again.
“Who would like to make the first bid?” he asks, his voice loud enough to fill the room. My heart pounds in my chest as adrenaline floods through me. This is my cue, as well as the cue I told my men to wait for.
As I step forward, separating myself from the crowd, my father’s eyes skate from me to the front door where I know my men are filing into the house, ready to defend me and Ainsley against whatever is to come.
As I reach the spot in front of Ainsley where I crouched for her so she would see me, I forcefully remove his hand from her shoulder and pull her away from him. Once she’s far enough away that he can’t grab for her, I push her behind my back and remove my mask, letting everyone see the mistake they made by coming here tonight.
“There will be no bidding,” I announce. Some men shift uncomfortably on their feet, while others try to walk for the door, only to find it blocked by my men. “The beautiful creature you seek tonight is already claimed.”
I look around the room, making eye contact with everyone wearing a mask to show them how serious I am. Every instinct in my body is telling me to shoot them all before they can escape. After all, they came here as revenge to me, making them a threat to Ainsley.
But, I can’t do that. That would bring a war to my doorstep, and while I could handle each of them individually, my numbers aren’t strong enough to win if they all band together.
“I invite you all to go back to your homes and forget this night ever happened. For those of you that have another idea in mind, I’d like to remind you of what happened to Carlos Guerra and his cartel. Guerra is buried six feet under, his corpse mutilated from the torture he endured before I murdered him for touching what’s mine. His men are gone, and his cartel is nothing but a ghost left to be forgotten with time.”
Wheels are turning in their eyes as they look at me, processing every word I just said. It’s well known in our community that Carlos is dead and his cartel no longer exists, but no one knows why. They assumed he went against the wrong person and paid the price, and they were right, they just didn’t know that person was me.
One brave soul steps out of the crowd, facing me with steel in his eyes.
“And if we choose to shoot you now and steal the girl anyway?”
Ainsley grips the back of my shirt out of fear, probably for what could happen to her if I’m shot right now. She hasn’t seen Jonah standing in the back of the room, waiting to make his move if something happens.
Reaching to my back, I pull out the gun hidden in my waistband and shoot the man between the eyes of his red devil mask. Blood leaks from the hole as he falls backward, standing out from how dark it is compared to the red of his mask.
His bodyguard rushes forward on instinct, but it’s too late. The man is dead, another threat to Ainsley taken from this world by my hands.
Men panic, turning their backs to me and rushing to the door.
“Let them leave,” I shout to my men. I proved my point; the message was received loud and clear. This is between my father and me now.