Page 25 of Intertwined Souls

“Babe?” Ryker calls as he walks into my room, dressed in his normal dark hoodie and jeans. He comes towards the bathroom where I am finishing getting ready. “About done? We need to leave so you can check in at the office first.”

Letting out a breath, I nod. “Yeah. I’m ready,” I mumble, putting away my hair products from having just curled it.

Arms wrap around my waist from behind, and Ryker rests his chin on my shoulder. Glancing up into the mirror, I meet his eyes. “It’s going to be fine,” he assures me.

“You don’t know that,” I grumble. Slamming the drawer shut, I spin in his arms and stare straight at his chest. “I handle most interactions better now. But for most of the time I was at Bri’s, I never left. I didn’t want to. I was afraid and constantly felt this intense pressure and panic when I would leave.

“I feel like I’m stronger in some ways, but in others? Like going to a school filled with hundreds of other people? It makes me feel like I might pass out. That, and I just can’t stop thinking about all the other things we should be doing and focusing on instead of going to a fucking school for eight hours every day.”

“Little flame,” Ryker growls, and my gaze shoots back up to his. “It’s going to be okay. I swear.” There’s a glint in his eyes that makes me suspicious, but he just pecks me on the lips and grips my hand. “Come on, let's get going before we really end up being late.”

Cade, Ryker, Grayson and I all take Noah’s truck to school. Grayson, who is sitting in the back with me, reaches over and places his hand on my thigh that has been shaking nonstop since we left the club.

Glancing over at him, I bite the corner of my lip as I admire his fitted button-up shirt that is rolled up to his elbows and his dark denim jeans that hug his ass perfectly.

When he catches me staring, I sigh, “I feel ridiculous for being so scared to go back to school.”

“It’s not ridiculous, beautiful. I think it’s more than just the anxiety of going to school and being around so many people. I think it might also have to do with what this school relates to for you. You were forced here before, and life was not pleasant back then,” Grayson says softly as Cade grunts in agreement from the driver’s seat.

Ryker turns around to look back at us from the passenger seat. “Are you going to tell her your idea?” He raises a brow at Grayson.

Grayson’s cheeks tint pink, and he bites his lip, glancing between Ryker and me. “It’s nothing right now. I need more time,” he admits.

“What is it?” I question, my curiosity piqued.

Giving me a soft smile, he shakes his head and then glances out the window. “We’re here. We should head in right away so you can go to the office.” He changes the subject.

I narrow my eyes at him, but he just grabs his backpack and slips out of the truck.

Cade turns to look back at me. “You’ve got this, baby girl,” he murmurs and then hops out before I can respond. His endearment at least settles some of the nerves in my chest.

Ryker opens my door for me and takes my hand the second I get out. “I’m not letting go of whatever you guys are planning,” I grumble, causing Ryker to chuckle as he pulls me towards the school.

“I’d expect nothing less, babe. At least it distracted you enough to help you relax a little.”

As we get up to the main entrance close to the office, I have to remind myself to breathe and that everything is fine. This isn’t the same as it was before.

“Hey, you know we won’t leave your side, right?” Ryker says, pulling me closer to him.

I nod, and we walk into the office together.

“How did you even manage that?” I ask Grayson as we all walk towards our first class.

After we stopped in the office to check me in, they gave me my schedule and had me check in with the school's guidance counselor since Nerds was able to fake some records so it looked like I went to school in Virginia for all the months I was gone.

Afterwards, Ryker pointed out to me that at least one of the guys will be in every one of my classes so I don’t have to be alone at all. Talk about victory.

My shoulders relaxed at that, and I felt tears burn the backs of my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away.

“Nerds taught me how to hack into the school system,” Grayson responds with a sly smile.

Grinning up at him, I stand on my toes and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”

We don’t make it much farther down the hall before I hear someone hesitantly say my name. Spinning around, I find Lex standing a few feet behind us, her face scrunched up in confusion.

“You’re back?” Her eyes scan over the guys before focusing on me again.

A smile breaks out on my face, and I step forward, nodding. “Yeah. I’m back. I, uh, I missed you,” I say quietly.