Page 23 of Intertwined Souls

“Before everything went to shit, the guys and I had talked a lot about how learning the stuff about Tammy is overwhelming and a lot to process. But we can handle it, together. As long as we all depend on each other and are honest with each other. I…” I hesitate, looking up at Gabriel as tears gather in my eyes. “I want to be a part of this. I want–I need her to be stopped and punished for what she has done and is doing.”

Gabriel nods once, then looks around the room. “Well, is everyone else in agreement? This isn’t going to be an easy task. It could take months, years. And there are a lot of risks that come with it. Is everyone prepared for that?”

Everyone in the room, including my guys, are quick to be in agreement. No one even seems hesitant to do this.

Colton speaks up next, “That brings us to the next big thing, how we want to handle it. We know about the ball; Nerds is workin’ on gettin’ us in somehow. But do we plan to just find them and call the cops? Are we handling it ourselves? Are we calling in other clubs?”

Gabriel clears his throat. “There are few other clubs around that I will contact and open the door for them to offer to help with everything or just be back up. But I think this is one, too personal to involve the cops and two, we all know how shitty they are around here. There is no way some, if not most, aren’t involved. So I say we call the Kings of Hearts.”

Axe sucks in a breath. “Rage, are you sure about this? We haven’t talked to him since everything else happened with Pres. It could—” He grimaces and shakes his head.

“We left things on good terms, and we have still been doing jobs for them. He told us ‘whatever we needed’. I think we are in a good enough place to bring them in on this. He’ll have more resources we can use,” Gabriel responds.

I furrow my brows, confused, but Ryker voices my thoughts first. “Who the fuck are you talking about?”

“The Brooks Family. Specifically, Vance Brooks. The boss of one of the largest gangs in North Carolina,” Axe almost growls, his fists clenched on the table. “We had a small issue with them a few years ago, but that was with Vance himself. Bringing in his whole gang though?” He shakes his head, pinching his lips together.

“Is he bad?” I ask, glancing around the table.

Gabriel tilts his head, contemplating his answer. “Yes and no. He isn’t someone you openly invite into your home, and he almost always has something up his sleeve, but he is a decent man and we do trust him. It just brings up a lot of shitty memories for Axe. The things that happened a few years ago were with Presley’s ex-husband and Vance. It got ugly.”

Oh, wow. I know Presley told me something happened, but I didn’t know it involved an ex-husband. I bite my lip to stop myself from asking more, we have other things to focus on, and it’s not really my business. Plus, Axe is wound up tight now. Coiled and ready to spring at any moment.

Nerds takes over the conversation from there, leading us into what we can do now. “Okay, so to start, over the last few days I have compiled a list of people who could potentially be involved whether it’s finding the people to sell, or buyers, or just people working for Tammy.”

He reaches under the table and pulls out a duffel bag. Opening it up, he flips it over and dumps out the contents onto the center of the table. Little black squares with blinking red lights pile up on the table.

“These are car trackers,” he explains. “In order to find where they take the girls first and where they go from there, we need to start tracking everyone’s movements. This is the easiest way to do that because these will store all the routes. After you place one, you tell either Grayson or me, and we will activate it and label it for whoever’s car it’s on.”

Grayson clears his throat, his cheeks tinting red. “I’ve been working on a map system to be able to easily track routes that are connected to each other and where they are all going. So, after we get them all going, I will keep the map updated daily, and Nerds and I will eventually be able to figure out where they take some of the victims.”

“Okay, so you have lists for us? Who are these people? Are we going to their homes or what?” Noah questions while twirling a switchblade between his fingers.

Grayson stands up and grabs a stack of papers from the small table along the back wall behind him. He brings them over to Gabriel before explaining, “Tammy and Richard obviously are first on the list. After that, there is everyone who has been paid from or paid money to the offshore account that is in Rage’s name. There are about twelve of them. A few haven’t had any kind of payments in months, but most… most have been paid or put money in the account in the last week.”

“We have home addresses for all of them, but you’ll also see the addresses to their jobs and the hours they work,” Nerds adds. “The license plate numbers and the VIN numbers are listed, so please make sure you verify it’s the right vehicle before placing the tracker. Grayson and I will stay behind and be available if anyone needs help or a guide.”

“Alright, these are split by location, so we will split up into pairs and each grouping will take a list and some trackers,” Rage says with a nod.

We spend the next half hour making sure everyone is clear on what they need to do and splitting up into pairings. I end up with Cade while Ryker is with Noah and Grayson is staying here with Nerds.

Cade lets me know we are taking his motorcycle, so I quickly run upstairs and change into warmer clothes, making sure to only wear black so I easily blend in with the night.

Returning back downstairs, I head out front to meet Cade at his bike. Gabriel stands a few feet away from it, scowling at Cade. Furrowing my brows, I wander around the side of the bike to stand next to Cade, where he faces off with Gabriel.

“What’s going on?” I question slowly, my eyes darting between their faces.

Colton approaches from behind Gabriel, sighing as he places his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder and pulls him back. “Come on, Rage. Nothin’ important, darlin’. Your dad is just goin’ through some phases as a new father.” He smirks.

Gabriel tenses and keeps staring down Cade but eventually huffs and turns around to go with Colton. Stepping in front of Cade, I whisper, “What was that about?”

Cade rolls his eyes. “He wanted to switch up the groups and have you go with him. I told him no.” He shrugs.

“Oh.” I furrow my brows. Does he not trust Cade?

Cade wraps his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me close to him, so I have to tip my head back to meet his eyes. “He was being overprotective. I get it. But I won’t be questioned on whether or not I can keep you safe. You’re mine,” he growls quietly, clenching his jaw as his fingers flex against the back of my neck before tightening slightly.

I feel a flush work its way up my neck and squeeze my thighs together before clearing my throat and pulling away. “Okay. Ready?”