She beams up at him, and surprisingly I don’t feel any jealousy towards them. Even knowing that Harley and I haven’t said those words yet. We will when the time is right, and Grayson deserves her love.
Ryker approaches them. “I’m going to go with Grayson and see if I can help at all, if you’re okay with that?”
Harley gives Ryker a knowing grin. “I have Cade. I’m good. Go.” She pecks him on the lips, and then Grayson and Ryker walk off.
“Ready to go get Tia?” I ask.
Nodding, Harley takes my hand, and we head back downstairs.
After letting Tia know that she can go up and see Oakley, Presley reaches out to Raven and has her bring over some clothes for all three of them.
The twins are resting again, curled up in the same bed, which both heals and shatters my heart at the same time. I am so thankful they have had each other, but it's heartbreaking that they have had to go through this and Anthony has had to grow up so fast to try to keep his sister safe.
Tia comes out of the bathroom that is in the same hallway as the medical room. She is wearing some gym shorts and a t-shirt with socks. Raven said she is going to go out and get them each a pair of shoes now that we know what size they all are.
“Ready?” I ask, and she nods with a grin.
I love seeing how much progress she is already making. She is still pretty quiet, but she seems to trust us, which is good and slightly worrisome that she is willing to trust so easily.
I can only imagine what she ended up going through by trusting the wrong person.
When she was getting dressed, Presley let us know that Tia told Grayson her parents are amazing, and she misses them. She was taken from an afterschool program four months ago.
Grayson is going to look into her parents before actually trusting that they are good and contacting them. But we’re hoping for the best.
I hold my hand out, and Tia takes it with ease. With Cade following behind us, we start walking through the club to go upstairs. The second we step into the main room, I pause, and Tia pulls my hand to try to get me moving again.
Glancing down at her, I say, “Do you think you would be okay standing here with Cade for a minute? I just need to walk across the room to that girl over there. It won't take long, I promise.” I gesture towards the front door where Parker stands with Lex.
Tia looks hesitant but nods her head anyway. Cade steps up slightly closer, and I head over to Lex, who is looking from me to Tia with furrowed brows.
When I get up close, she grins at me. “Hey! We haven’t talked much since prom, and you weren’t answering your phone. I guess I got a little worried and decided to come by. Parker was coming to find you,” she says, pointing at him.
“Hey, I’m sorry. My phone has been off mostly because we’ve just had some family things going on around here. Sorry I worried you.” I grimace.
She shrugs casually. “Oh, it’s okay! Is that who the girl is? Is she family?”
Feeling guilty for lying but not wanting to draw her into this, I reply, “No. Well, she’s family of one of the guys who lives here. Cade and I were just keeping an eye on her today. I can’t really hang out or anything right now. But I can promise to call sometime next week and we can do something?”
“Of course. Are you sure everything is alright?” she asks, her eyes moving all around the room before focusing back on me with pinched brows.
“Yeah, it’s all good,” I respond with a smile just as Colton comes into the room from the back door, yelling over at Axe who is sitting at the bar with Stone.
“Axe, where is Doc? Find him and have him come to Rage’s house. We need him now.”
I feel Lex touch my arm. “Harley, are you sure everything is alright?” she whispers.
I let out a chuckle. “Yes. Things are just always chaotic around here. But I will text you, I promise.”
Lex smiles at me, appearing reassured by my answer. “Okay. I’m going to hold you to that.”
“You better.” I grin.
She turns around towards Parker, who says, “I’ll walk you out.”
Lex nods and glances back at me once more with a wink and mouths, He’s hot. I shake my head at her and head back over to Tia and Cade.