Ryker blows out a sigh. “He found her family and is sending the contact information to Grayson. Both of the girls are being kept at a morgue that Vance has a connection with apparently.”
He must notice the confusion on my face because he shakes his head.
“I didn’t ask, and I’m not even really sure I want to know how they have that connection,” he finishes.
The door opens, and Harley glances at both of us before stepping out and closing the door behind her. “Are you guys okay?” she asks, and we both nod. “Tia is awake, and she really wants to see Oakley. Grayson is talking with her now about her family so he can figure out where she can go. But I want to go back and see if Oakley is calm now. I don’t think Tia should see her until we make sure she’s good.”
“That’s a good idea, baby girl.” Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I pull her against me and press my lips to her forehead; affection seems to come so easily when it’s with Harley. “Harley is staying with me tonight, just so you know. And no, you can’t sleep outside my door.”
I narrow my eyes at Ryker, who just bares his teeth at me before flipping me off and walking down the hall.
“I wouldn’t dare interrupt your time with our girl,” he huffs.
Harley chuckles quietly and we follow after him, heading back upstairs to where Oakley is. We find the hallway empty and when we go into the room, only Brielle is in there with Oakley, who is sitting up eating some soup and drinking water.
Harley gestures for Ryker and me to stay back by the door as she approaches the side of the bed next to where Bri is sitting, who smiles up at Harley before looking back at Oakley.
“This is Harley. She is one of the people that was there last night to get all of you out of there. By the door is Ryker and Cayden; they were also there last night helping. Are you okay with them being in here? Remember, all the decisions are yours and yours alone,” Brielle softly tells her.
Placing the spoon back in the bowl, her eyes roam over all of us before she gives Bri a small nod. “How are you feeling right now?” Harley asks her.
“I’m okay,” she croaks.
“Do you feel up to answering some questions, or would you prefer to just rest and be left alone for now?”
“You can ask me anything.” She takes a big breath. “But I want to know how the others are doing first.”
Harley gives her a knowing smile and tilts her head in acknowledgement. “Of course. You were taking care of them, weren’t you? Braiding their hair, keeping them as safe as you could.”
“It’s complicated,” she mumbles, averting her eyes.
Harley doesn’t push it; she just continues on. “Anna and Anthony are both doing well. We’ve gotten Anthony to talk with us, and they will get to be with their mom again soon. Tia is also doing okay. She has been sleeping a lot but is awake right now and talking with another guy, Grayson, so we can help her figure out what is next.”
Oakley has a small smile on her face as Harley talks about them. “And Sammy? Angel?” she presses.
After a quick glance at us, Harley slowly explains, “Sammy was there. But… she unfortunately didn’t make it.”
“She what? No.” Oakley begins rapidly shaking her head back and forth.
“Oakley? I know you took care of them. It was you who told Sammy to be strong, wasn’t it?” Harley asks, squatting down so she is eye level with Oakley, who nods. “She was trying to protect the others when we came in. She fought and was unbelievably brave because of you.”
“She was so scared. I was trying to reassure her. And then—and then everything happened, and I told her to be strong and brave. Angel—” Her eyes jump up to Harley’s. “What about Angel? Please tell me you got to her in time,” she cries.
Harley presses her lips together and glances over at us, her brows lowered in confusion. Ryker stands up straight from where he was leaning next to me and takes a few steps closer to the bed.
“Did Angel have red hair?” he asks, frowning slightly.
Nodding, Oakley says, “Yes. There was—there was a situation, and Angel she tried to—I heard them say they were taking her down to the freezer. The guards would—” She shakes her head again. “Is she alive?” she asks as fresh tears fall down her cheeks, and she looks at Ryker like he is her life line right now depending on his answer.
“No, I’m so sorry,” Ryker chokes slightly, clearing his throat. “She was gone when we found her.”
Oakley rocks back and forth, scratching at her arms. “Is there more?” she asks Brielle breathlessly. “Can I have more? Please? I need… I need more. Please.”
Brielle stands from the chair she was sitting in and walks over to the bed, sitting on the edge by Oakley’s hip. “Honey, I need to ask you a few questions.”
“Then I can have more?” Oakley’s eyes shine with hope at the prospect of getting more pills.
For someone to be so dependent on another for their drug of choice, they must have used her addiction against her for however long she was there. It was her reward and punishment and more than likely how they kept her in line, because I can’t imagine this woman being willing to just accept her situation if she wasn’t being blindsided by the drugs.