Adrenaline pumps through my veins after having cut the guy's throat open. It is something that I have always wanted to do. Just one swift drag of my knife across a neck and to hear the gurgling and feel the blood gushing out of them as they drop dead. It feels even better knowing that the piece of shit deserves it, if not worse for the things they do here.
As soon as we make it inside the warehouse, three guards come racing down the hall towards us. I dart forward hearing others move behind me as we move straight towards them.
“Who the fuck are you? Stop moving!” the dumb fucker yells at me as he tries to yank his gun out from the waistband of his pants.
It’s clear as day that these guys aren’t true guards who are always on their A-game. They’ve probably never had a threat or concern before being here and are just posted at the warehouse as a scare tactic for the victims they keep.
Gripping the wrist that now holds his gun, I yank it behind his back and slam him face first into the nearest wall.
Leaning forward so my mouth is close to his ear, I whisper, “I’m an angel here to send you to hell where you belong.” Using my free hand, I yank the gun out of his grip and use it to shoot him in the side of the head.
The shot echoes through the hallway and makes my ears ring, but it is fully worth it considering he got to die by his own fucking gun.
Spinning around, I check on the others, but don’t see Harley, Cade, or Grayson. “They went upstairs with a few of Vance’s guys,” Axe explains.
As I’m preparing to go bolt up the stairs to them, he stops me with a hand on my shoulder.
“Hang on. They’ve got it under control,” he assures me, his eyes trained on our surroundings. “We need to clear the downstairs area, and then we can head up there if they aren’t back down yet.
I fucking hate it, but I get that we need to clear every part of the house. Shooting him a glare, I quickly nod and turn back around heading further into the warehouse. We come into a large open living room with tables in rows and a kitchen to the left side of the room. There are two doors on the far wall that lead out to the back of the warehouse and then a hallway on the far side of the kitchen.
Vance’s men take down the three guys in the room sitting at tables with ease, and we head into the kitchen towards the hallway. The hall has three doors: one holds a bathroom, another a storage closet, and the last one is a large steel-looking door with a padlock on the outside.
Rage shoots off a text, and a few minutes later Noah comes inside with another one of Vance’s men and brings us some kind of cutter that easily snaps the lock off. Once we get it open, a gust of freezing air smacks me in the face as I step into what is a large, room-sized freezer. It has to be colder than what a standard freezer should even be kept at.
Along the back wall is a metal table on wheels, and it has a sheet laying over it with what looks to be the outline of a body beneath it. Rage’s hand lands on my shoulder before I can step forward.
“I can look,” he rasps as he stares straight ahead at the table.
“We can do it together,” I respond and start walking towards it, shivering at the hard gusts of freezing air in the room from fans on either side of us.
Rage reaches forward and takes a deep breath before peeling back the sheet.
Dull, wide brown eyes stare up at me from a sickeningly pale body. They look terrified, cold, and lost. But more than anything, they’re empty.
“Fuck,” Rage swears under his breath.
She can’t be older than thirteen and is completely naked under the sheet that Rage folds down so her body is still covered but we can see her shoulders and face. Her red hair is braided perfectly, running down her sides, and I know Rage is seeing how similar it is to Harley’s hair when he inhales sharply next to me.
This little girl has scars on her chest that run down under the sheet that I won’t remove to look at, attempting to give her any dignity that I can.
Raising my hand, which I now realize is shaking, I gently try to shut her eyes, but she has been here long enough that they are too frozen to move. Rage reaches for the sheet again and starts to cover her head.
“I’m so sorry, sweet girl,” he whispers, pulling the sheet over her. He’s quiet for a moment. Then, “I’ll ask Vance if he can help us with getting her moved, and we can decide what to do then.” I nod but don’t speak. “Are you alright, Ryker?”
Nodding again, I glance up at him and then back down at the sheet, my stomach plummeting.
“I… just didn’t expect her to have hair that looks just like Harley’s. I just can’t stop myself from seeing Harley on this table when I look at it. How easily this could’ve been her,” I say quietly, swallowing hard.
My own voice sounds distant, broken. Lacking even the anger that is usually flowing through me. I need to lay eyes on Harley. Now.
Rage looks like he plans to respond, but I spin around and walk out of the room where Noah is standing, his eyes roaming over me in concern. I stop in my tracks when my eyes catch on something else. Moving closer to the door that is swung open wide into the hallway, I squat down and look at the bloody track marks of what looks like fingers trying to claw their way out of the door.
Noah notices what I am seeing and sucks in a sharp breath. “Mother fucker. What the fuck do these sick fucks get from this shit?” he rages.
Jolting back up to my feet, I take a deep breath and head back towards the front of the warehouse where the stairs are while listening to Rage and Noah talk about how the downstairs area is clear and the guys outside took care of everyone they could find.
Stone hasn’t seen anyone trying to sneak away through his scope. Good. The more of these fuckers are dead, the better.