Page 82 of Intertwined Souls

Grayson says a quiet hello and then glances at me. Giving him a soft smile, I gesture towards Linc with my head. Gray exhales and then walks towards him, and after an awkward moment, Grayson gives him a side hug. Lincoln’s entire face lights up at the small gesture and when I glance at Bri, she is watching them with a big smile.

When she notices me staring, she grins at me and mouths, Thank you.

“Alright, we should probably get over to the club because everyone needs to get moving to their spots in the next thirty minutes.” Atlas glances at the boys and me. “If any of you have any issues, you find one of us and we will get you out of there or help in any way we can. Bri is staying here with Ryan and the few others that are staying behind. But Linc and I will be there. I’m driving the big van Rage got, and Linc is driving the truck.”

We all agree and promise to find them or get ahold of them if we need to. After chugging down some coffee, we head over to the club to find everyone getting ready. Noah takes us all downstairs to the safe room, and we pick out our weapons and put on bulletproof vests.

Everyone splits off into their groups, and before we load into the truck with Linc, Brielle hugs me again. “Be safe, please, honey,” she says softly.

“I will,” I respond confidently, holding her tight.

Cade sits in the front with Linc while Ryker, Gray, and I get in the back. Everyone pulls out of the club, splitting off to head to their set locations. The rest of the SOS stay behind our truck with the van Atlas is driving following up after their bikes.

Vance and his guys are meeting us in the same neighborhood we used before when we checked out the warehouse. When we arrive, we all get out and the guys pull their bikes up to the empty house. Atlas and Linc drive away heading for whatever spot Nerds told them to stay parked that is hidden so when we’re ready for them, they can drive up to the warehouse.

“Ready, little flame?” Ry asks as he, Gray, and Cade form a circle in front of me.

I nod, placing my hands on my hips. “More than ready.”

“Don’t be afraid to speak up if it becomes too much. For any of us. For any reason,” Gray says, glancing between me and the guys.

Suffice to say, we’ve had a few late-night conversations about everything.

None of us have killed without it being self-defense. Taking out David, the guys that attacked us at the beach, or people from our pasts won’t be the same as what we’re about to do.

They may be horrible men who deserve death, but they aren’t coming after us. We are walking right into their territory. It’s fair game.

And that could fuck with our heads.

Like Ryker has said, we don’t truly know how we’ll react until we’re in the moment.

Above all, watching out for each other is the most important part of all of this. I never knew that I would depend on and trust people as much as I do this club, but with my guys, it’s even more intense. I would rip my chest open and hand any one of them my heart and trust that they wouldn’t break it.

A few minutes later, Vance and his men pull up in three large SUVs. Once everyone meets and is ready, we start the trek through the woods.

“Everyone remember where they’re going?” Gabe asks quietly.

We each respond with some form of affirmation. Ryker, Grayson, Cade, and I, along with Axe and Gabe, are going straight through the front door while a few of Vance’s men will be following up behind us helping with the guards.

Vance and a few others are going in through the back door and focusing on taking out people and finding the men in suits.

As we approach the warehouse, the ones going to the back of the building loop around through the woods to get ready. Stone takes off through the woods to find whatever spot he was at last time to set up with his scope.

Gabe sends the message to Nerds that we’re all ready and now we just have to wait for confirmation to move in. Taking a few deep breaths, I roll my shoulders and count to ten in my head

Everything will be fine. Everyone will be fine. We’ve prepared for this.

“You good, Harley?” Gabe whispers from nearby.

I nod and glance over at him. “I’m good. Just ready to shut this place down.”

“Me fucking too,” Ryker murmurs.

Gabe’s phone buzzes in the quiet woods, and he flashes the screen at everyone after he reads it.

Nerds: Two minutes.

Cade and I lock eyes, and I see the determination and gleam in his gaze as a tiny smirk stretches on his lips.