Page 67 of Intertwined Souls

“If you really have no idea about any of this…” She shakes her head and spins towards her car, throwing the door open. I can almost swear I hear her mumbling something like, He’s back, as she gets in and shuts the door, immediately taking off.

“What the hell was that about?” I ask. “Why did she only care to ask about David? She barely even brought up Harley. Why did her entire demeanor change when she realized you weren’t going to change your answer about being involved?”

“Grayson!” Rage snaps. I glance up and realize he’s standing in front of me. “Breathe. I don’t know. That—the way she changed wasn’t the Tammy I used to know. At the start, the cocky attitude was. But she never backs down like that. She never misses a chance to throw something in someone’s face.”

“It looked like she really wanted to, but she stopped herself,” Axe supplies.

“Axe, you and Stone go to the school and stand guard with Blade. I want more eyes on them. The fact that she came here and didn’t taunt me about Harley is a bad sign. Grayson, keep tracking her car. We will hold church later this evening and figure out a way to keep a closer eye on her. I want to know who she’s talking to and what she’s doing every minute of the day,” Rage demands.

“Do you think she knows about us looking into the warehouse and keeping eyes on it?” I ask, glancing between him and the others.

“Honestly, I have no fucking clue. I don’t know the person she is now. All I do know is her not taking the opportunity to taunt me about Harley is a bad fucking sign. And whatever spooked her when she finally believed me that we had nothing to do with David’s warehouse isn’t good either.

“There’s only one person that I can remember ever actually truly scaring Tammy. Other than that, she has never given a shit about anything besides herself,” Rage says.

Axe and Stone take off, and I head back inside, going to the tech room where Nerds is. He doesn’t glance up from his desk, but he asks, “How did you know she was coming here? I mean, I know she was driving in this direction, but there are plenty of places she could have gone.”

I shrug. “I just had a gut feeling. I knew something was off when she went by the burned down building months after it was destroyed.”

Sighing, I run a hand through my hair and drop down into the chair at the desk in the center of the room.

“I don’t get it,” I add. “Why would she come here at all? She really just wanted to ask about David? What was she even going to do if Rage had admitted to it?” Frustration seeps into my tone.

Nerds finally looks up and turns toward me. “Trying to figure out what is going on inside of a psychotic woman’s head is going to be a waste of your time. She obviously has fucking issues. And honestly, I think she just wanted Rage’s attention. She didn’t show up here calling him Gabriel for no reason.”

I furrow my brows. “But she hasn’t seen him in over a decade. Why would she want anything to do with him now?” I press.

Nerds shakes his head. “Not worth trying to figure out. The only thing we need to worry about at the moment is the warehouse.”

That distracts me from all the unanswered questions swirling around in my mind and I sit up straight. “Do you have anything new?”

He nods and flicks his fingers for me to join him at his desk. Moving the chair next to his, he starts up his many monitors that are mounted to the wall above the desk. “After the first few days that we had people watching it, they were noting how many cars were coming and going throughout the day and sometimes at night. So, I had them start getting pictures of the license plates and trying to snap photos of who was in the cars.”

He opens up a list on one monitor, and another one pops up with a bunch of pictures of people’s faces and license plates.

“This is a list of all of these people.” He points from his list to the images. “I’m going to talk to Rage later, because I think it’s time we bring the entire club in on this. We need all the help we can get, and everyone in the need-to-know circle is getting exhausted from having to keep an eye on the warehouse almost 24/7.”

I cut in, “Yeah, but with everything that has happened, Rage is still hesitant to trust people. Especially when it’s Harley on the line and now all of these victims we’re discovering.”

Nerds nods. “That’s where you come in. I want you to dive into everyone. All our members, the club girls, everyone’s families. Do background checks, stalk them, find out every little thing about them. Let’s clear them all for Rage so he can take a fucking breath.”

I glance back at the computer monitors. “I can do that. But it’ll probably take a few days.”

“That’s fine. I need to talk to Rage about bringing it to church anyway because I think we need all the people we can get to help us. When it’s time to take down this warehouse, we need other teams splitting off and going to all of these people’s homes to check for victims. I want us to save as many victims as possible, and the only way to do that is if we hit hard and fast all at the same time.”

“That’s a good idea. But just based on this list you made, even if we get the entire club involved, we won’t have enough people.”

Sighing, he taps his fingers on his desk. “I know. But we have other allies we could bring in. This is the only warehouse in Jacksonville that we’ve found, so I think once we take this out, it eliminates a lot and really damages whoever the fuck is running all of this.”

“And after we take it down, we can look into destroying the offshore accounts that are in the guys’ names, right?” I ask.

Nerds glances at me, and a terrifying smile spreads over his face. “No.”

“What do you mean, no?” I question as my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

“You and I are going to have our hands full, but it'll be worth it. I have some ideas about how to hack into the banking systems remotely. We should be able to get in through a back door and change the owners on the accounts and make sure they are not connected to the guys at all but are instead connected to those who have been involved in this.”

“But how does that help?” I sigh, rubbing my temples and feeling a headache coming on.