Page 57 of Intertwined Souls

I reach down and readjust myself as discreetly as I can considering her father is in the fucking room, but Harley catches it, and her eyes go comically wide.

“We should get going,” I announce, glancing at Cade and Grayson before holding my arm out for Harley.

We head over to the main doors where Rage meets us and gives Harley a soft smile.

“You look just as beautiful as your mom,” he beams. Harley smiles back and quickly blinks back tears. “Have fun tonight. This is just a night for you four to be the young adults you are turning into. Just remember that there is so much more to life than all the horrible things we see and deal with.”

Arriving at prom’s location, it takes us a while to find a parking spot because of how packed it is here. Lex decided to drive her own car and follow us since she would be going to her home at the end of the night and not back to the club. She parks next to us, and we all head inside together, Grayson and I flanking Harley with Cade behind us.

After handing over our tickets, we step into the ballroom the school rented which is decorated like a winter wonderland. It looks like winter threw up everywhere… in a good way. Everything is whites and blues with soft fairy lights and large snowflakes hanging from the beams above. We find a spot to stand, and Harley nervously fidgets with her fingers.

Grayson takes her hands in his and leans down to meet her eyes. “Are you alright?”

She nods but then shakes her head. “I don’t know. I mean, I’ve never done something like this. What do we, uh, what do we do?” She grimaces.

“Come dance with me,” Grayson says, tugging on her hands.

Harley’s mouth pops open in surprise, but she allows him to pull her to the dance floor. We ended up being about a half hour late, so there are still plenty of people sitting at tables eating the dinner the school provided, and a lot of people have moved to the center floor to dance.

Cade and I lean back against the wall and give them a chance to dance alone. “Did you see the scars?” Cade asks so low I almost don’t hear him.

I nod, sucking in a breath. “Yeah. I felt them once, but she went so tense I didn’t ask anything. This is the first time I have fully seen them.”

“When we are able to get Tammy in our clutches, we are going to make her suffer the same fate,” Cade growls.

“As much as I would love to do that, we can’t take away Harley’s revenge.”

“We won’t be. Don’t worry,” Cade says ominously.

I watch Grayson and Harley dance close together, both of them smiling and enjoying being with one another. My heart warms, seeing them glow in each other’s presence. A new ache settles in my chest, a possessive need to have them both. To care for them and take them as mine.

Shaking my head at myself, I try to shake those thoughts away. Luckily, I am distracted when I see one of Steph’s minions and her date approach Grayson and Harley.

Slowly walking out towards them, I start to pick up on the girl making comments about Harley’s scars on her back.

I’ve never considered hitting a woman before, but I am really fucking close to doing it the more she talks. Grayson leans closer to her and says something that makes her lips pinch shut just as I approach them on the girl’s date’s side.

He doesn’t see me as he opens his dumbass fucking mouth.

“Let me guess, kinky? Do you like a little pain with your pleasure? I wouldn’t mind joining in the next time you get freaky with some dude. You must have a spectacular cunt if they are still willing to fuck you after seeing all those scars. You should be careful how many more you allow them to add. Eventually, no one will want you. You’ll be used up,” he chuckles, the sound cruel and heartless.

A place I haven’t felt the need to fall into in months immediately takes over, and the darkness within me comes out to play with the toy standing in front of me.

Everything goes black as I raise my fist and punch the cocky douche right in the side of the head.


His words don’t bother me as much as they probably should. I’m going to let the credit for that go to Cade as I can still feel the ghost of his lips on my back. He somehow knew exactly what I needed and gave it to me along with so much more.

Coming out of that bathroom, putting on the dress, and letting the girls do my hair, I never felt so beautiful and confident.

Brielle had noticed the sudden change in me and said, “Those boys are so good for you, honey. The way you move together, see each other, understand each other, it’s not something you see that often anymore. I’m so proud of you, and I know your mama is, too.”

It had brought tears to my eyes that I had to quickly blink away when Raven yelled at us that crying was no longer allowed for me, otherwise I’d be going to prom all puffy. We all laughed, and the rest of the time together felt amazing.

It only got better when I saw my guys all dressed up. Each one dressed to match who they are individually while also looking insanely hot. I’ll admit, I’ve been walking around with wet panties since I came downstairs and saw all three of them standing there like fucking models.

But prom is weird and admittedly not something I’m used to. I’ve enjoyed dancing with Grayson, but as more people begin to file onto the dance floor, it feels like too much.