“Regrets of the past are useless now. It’s what you do to avoid having more regrets that matters. Like Carly going back to school now to reach her goals instead of living in her regrets and not doing anything to change them,” Gabriel says as he gazes at Carly with adoration.
My eyes jump between the two of them; their love for each other is so clear to what seems like every other person in the room besides each other. Or at least they seem to be pretending it doesn’t exist, but I don’t understand why.
“I need to talk to you.” Grayson’s voice sounds from the doorway where he stands with his laptop staring at Gabriel. “You guys, too,” he says softly, glancing at Ryker, Cade, and I.
We all nod and follow him out of the room and down the hall to where Gabriel’s office is. My stomach swoops with nerves as my first instinct is to think the worst, but I remind myself that this is Grayson. My Grayson. Everything will be fine.
When we walk in, Grayson takes a seat at one of the chairs in front of the desk. I walk around the side of it and rest my hand on his shoulder.
When he glances up at me, I ask quietly, “Is everything okay?”
He smiles. “More than okay, beautiful. Take a seat.”
He gestures to the chair next to him. Gabriel sits at his desk while Cade and Ryker both lean against the wall adjacent, watching Grayson.
Clearing his throat, Grayson starts explaining, “So, I did some research and wanted to put everything together before talking to anyone because I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up before I figured it all out.” He glances at all of us. “But I know that none of us really want to be at the school. I am more advanced and could graduate at the end of this year,”—which is our junior year—“if I am able to take a larger course load.
“I looked into the school's online program, and I would be able to take all the classes I need to meet my requirements to graduate by the end of this summer. Then Cade and Ryker, if they also moved to online classes, could be set up to graduate at the end of the year, so halfway through our senior year. As for Harley…” He looks at me. “If I helped you get caught up over the summer with summer classes, then you should be able to also graduate with Cade and Ryker. It would be a lot of work, but I can help you. And I’m sure Cade and Ryker will, too. But you don’t have to. I mean, you can stay at the school—” he starts rambling.
“Gray,” I cut him off as I reach over and place my hand on his arm. “I definitely don’t want to stay at the school. It’s never been my thing. Even when I was little with my mom, we moved around so much I was always in homeschooling programs and just did other school kid clubs and stuff. I think it’s a great idea and I am behind, yes. But I think I can get caught up with your help. There are only a few things I really struggle with. Mostly, fucking math.” I grimace.
Ryker chuckles, “I agree, babe. Math is fucking stupid and makes no sense whatsoever. Gray, it’s a great idea, and if we can get papa bear on board with it, I think we should do it.” He glances up at Cade, who nods in agreement.
We all look at Gabriel, who is leaning forward with his elbows on his desk watching all of us.
He sighs. “I’m fine with it. We wouldn’t have to make sure someone is always following you to school if you just did it here. But if any of you slack off then you’ll go back and have to deal with being there for another year,” he says, pointedly looking at Ryker.
He scoffs, “Why are you looking at me? I don’t slack off.”
“Yeah, because Grayson keeps your annoying ass in check,” Cayden rumbles, and the rest of us laugh while Ryker punches him.
“Did you talk to Noah about this?” Gabriel asks, cocking his head.
Grayson nods. “Yeah, uh. Well, he said, ‘I only enforce you all going to school because it’s what a responsible guardian is supposed to do, but I don’t care what you guys want to do. I didn’t graduate and look at me, I turned out fucking amazing’.”
Gabriel sighs and runs a hand down his face. “Sounds about right. Fine. Go ahead and get it all set up. Have Nerds help you if you need it.”
Chapter Eight
Later that night, Ryker steals me away to his room claiming he hasn’t had enough time with me and it’s his turn for the night.
I’ve never been in here before. I’ve only seen Grayson’s room, which is neat and tidy, but Ryker’s is a bit more of a mess. His bed is unmade, and he has a laundry basket of clothes overflowing, but what really catches my attention is what sits under his window.
Letting out a breath, I walk over to it and gently run my fingers over the keys. It’s not a normal piano; it’s a smaller keyboard on a stand with a little bench in front of it. But it’s still the first one I have seen in a while.
Arms wrap around my waist from behind as Ryker rests his chin on shoulder. “Do you want to play?” he murmurs softly.
I shake my head. “No, I—”
I don’t know how to explain why I can’t play right now, so I just continue to gently run my fingers over the keys but don’t press down on any of them.
The sound of my mom’s laughter, singing, humming, the melodies we would play, the times when she would leave my bedroom door open if I had a nightmare and sit at the piano playing song after song until I fell asleep…
All those good memories fade, and all I can see is Tammy’s face. Her yelling at me to win. To play my best and win the money or else. The way I could feel her eyes drilling holes into the back of my head as I played.
She made me take the class when I started at school because she wanted to use my skills to her benefit. It feels ruined now.