Page 12 of Intertwined Souls

The lock clicks, but the door doesn’t open, so I reach down and twist the knob slowly, pushing it open just enough to slip in and shut it behind me.

There is a simple counter and sink on the right, with a toilet next to it, and then on the left is a shower and tub combo. Where Grayson currently sits on the edge of the tub, staring straight ahead, a storm in his eyes.

Moving towards him, I take a seat on the floor, leaning my back against the tub right next to his leg. One thing I learned during my time at Bri’s is that sometimes, sitting in silence with someone can do more for them in a moment of grief than filling the room with useless words.

A few minutes pass before Grayson slides down the side of the tub, sitting next to me on the floor, stretching his legs out in front of him. Reaching over, I take his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together and resting them in my lap.

“I grew up with the assumption that the only blood family I had was my brother and my parents,” Grayson starts, voice thick. He lets out a shaky breath, squeezing my hand. “When my brother died, I lost a piece of me. He was my everything, and I idolized him. He was my best friend, my mentor. Then I lost him in the blink of an eye and my already distant parents became ghosts.” he chuckles humorlessly. “They were really distant growing up. I spent more time with my brother than them. But after he died, my dad spent almost all his time at work, and my mom started drinking really heavily and blaming me for his death.

“Luckily, I found Ryker and this club and have this amazing family. And don’t get me wrong, I am extremely grateful for them. I love them all and can’t imagine my life without them. But sometimes watching Noah and Cade interact, or when someone's family comes to visit, it hurts because I have no one—had no one.”

Resting my head on his shoulder, I ask, “What did Lincoln say?”

“He kept staring at me when we all were in the main room. Then Noah introduced Ryker and me. The second he said my name, Lincoln’s eyes went wide, and I saw it. Before he even had a chance to say anything, I knew he was related to my brother and I in some way. For some reason, we all have the same shocked face. It felt like I was staring at a slightly older version of my brother.”

He exhales and rests his head on top of mine.

“Lincoln said he’s my cousin. He’s my dad’s brother’s son. As soon as the words left his mouth I, well, I kind of ran. I just panicked. I don’t even know why.” Grayson shrugs.

“It’s overwhelming. You don’t want to feel all the emotions you're currently experiencing standing in a room full of people,” I say softly.

“Yeah,” he sighs, staring at the floor.

I stay quiet for a while, giving him space to think but not feel alone. My heart hurts for him and everything that must be rattling around in his mind.

I can understand how he feels to some extent; I dreamed and hoped for a dad who would come and save me. Then I found out the truth about my mom and how I came to be, and I lost any sense of hope I had about having a good dad.

Until now, when everything has changed, and my eyes are being opened to every side of the story and what has happened. It’s conflicting and sends your mind spiraling with a million different thoughts and scenarios.

“What do you want to do?” I rotate on the ground, bringing my legs under me and sitting sideways so I can face Grayson. Still holding his hand, I bring it to my lips and lightly kiss the back of it. “I can promise you that if anything, Linc will be understanding. He is the first person I met when I went to Virginia. He had no idea who I was, but he still tried to help me. More than once.”

Biting my lip, I look at his tear-filled eyes and cup his cheek with my free hand.

“If you need space, tell him. He will understand. Whatever you want to do, tell him. Okay?” I whisper, hoping that what I’m saying is helping.

A single tear slides down his cheek as a small grin graces his lips. “Are you telling me to communicate, Harley?” Gray teases.

I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks as I shrug. “I guess I am. Shocking huh?”

We both laugh, and the tension slowly leaves Grayson’s shoulders.

“They're laughing.” We hear a voice from right outside the bathroom door. Ryker.

Grayson snorts, and then we both start laughing again. I lean forward and rest my forehead against his. Slowly, our laughter dies off, a new tension settling between us. Grayson raises his hand that isn’t holding mine and runs his thumb across my bottom lip.

“I know I say it a lot, but you're beautiful, Harley. It stuns me every day that I get to be around you. That you are around me,” he says bashfully.

Furrowing my brows, I ask, “Why would that stun you? Grayson, you’re—” I bite my lip, unsure of how to put into words how he makes me feel. Stop thinking so hard, Harley. “You're my peace, an anchor in this storm I find myself in every day. You know how to calm me with just a look, or a few soft words. Being near you takes away some of the tension, heartache, and pain I am always dealing with.

“You’re smart beyond your years. I haven’t really gotten to see you working with Nerds yet, but I can only imagine how amazing you are at it. You love Cade and Ryker with everything in you. I can see it with the way you watch them. Plus—” I clear my throat and glance down at our hands. “Plus, you're incredibly sexy,” I whisper, feeling my face flush even more.

A single finger pushes my chin back up towards Grayson’s lust-filled eyes. “You’re so perfect. For me. For Ry. For Cade. I really want to kiss you right now,” he mumbles.

Biting my lip, I ask, “Are you going to?”

Smiling, Grayson leans forward. Gently cupping my cheek, he moves slowly, thoughtfully, like he wants to memorize every single thing about me as his lips press against mine.

A burning inferno starts inside me, and I move without hesitation, straddling his thighs, pressing our chests together.