Page 56 of Necessary Evil

“You might want to get one.”

“I can’t shoot anyone,” she protested.

“What if they hadn’t driven away? What if they were waiting for you outside the car? A pistol would have given you a chance.”

“Three against one isn’t much of a chance. Especially if they were armed too.”

“They didn’t try to shoot you.”

“They were trying to scare me. And mission accomplished.” Lucy unlocked her door and walked inside. Everything seemed to be normal.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go through the rooms?”

“No, I’ll be fine. Stop trying to scare me, Travis.”

“I’m not trying to scare you. I need you to see that getting involved with the Sentinels of Babylon is dangerous to you. The Pyros weren’t trying to scare you as much as they were sending a message to Evil.”

“Message received,” Evan said behind the open door.

Lucy managed not to shriek in shock. She had to steady herself on the doorframe.

“Take a hike, Munson. I’ve got this,” Evan said.

“You better.” Travis rubbed her shoulder. “Call me tomorrow, Lucy.”

She nodded. “Thanks again for everything.” She watched him walk back to his car and closed the door. Then she whirled on Evan. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“I told you not to leave.”

“No, you didn’t. You said you had to talk to the Pyros downstairs.”

Evan folded his arms over his chest. “They had members in the parking lot. You would have led them here. Next time I’ll handcuff you to the damned bed.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” she countered. Under different circumstances, she thought, that could be fun.

“You need to do what I tell you.”

That just about made her head explode after the night she’d had. She’d experienced enough of that shit with her first husband. “You need to be a little clearer about what’s going on. I’m not one of those brainless bar bunnies who’ll do whatever you say just because you snapped your fingers.” Lucy turned on all the lights in the apartment.

“What was Munson doing at the crime scene?” Evan dogged her heels.

“He heard my name on the scanner. Where the hell were you?”

“Taking care of business.”

She didn’t want to know. Especially when he used that dark tone of voice. And especially when Travis Munson’s accusations about the SOBs were again fresh in her mind.

“How did you get in here anyway? Please tell me you didn’t kick the door down.”

“Ryder picked your lock. She’s setting you up with a new security system tomorrow.”

“I don’t want a new security system.” Lucy realized that she was getting shrill and tried to tone it down. “Look, I’m a little freaked out right now. I just had to crawl out of my burning car. I’m a bit on edge.”

“Don’t leave alone the next time.”

At least he thought there was going to be a next time. Would there be? She slumped. Who was she kidding? Of course there would be. “Why is it not safe for me to go home alone?”

“The world’s a dangerous place,” he said.