He turned his body to lay on his side and shifted me so we were facing each other. “I’m coming back.”
“You can’t promise that.”
He ran his palm down my side and laid it against my hip. “Maggie, do you really think I’d do anything to lose what you and I have?”
I laid my hand against the side of his neck. “It may not be your decision.”
“He’s a coward.” His eyes intensified as he spoke. “My father. He’s not going to share this with the whole club, only a few because he knows the shit they would lay on him for letting me best him all those years ago.” He squeezed my hip gently. “Baby, trust me, he wants this done as quietly as I do.”
“But he thinks he’s taking you back to Colorado. What if he just shoots you?” I asked, panic lacing my tone.
He slowly skimmed his hand along my side, moving it until it rested against my ribs. “He won’t do that until he has the flash drive. I’m still holding all the cards, and he knows that. No matter what shit he’s trying to sell, he knows I still have him by the balls. He won’t sacrifice himself for anything, including his beloved fucking club.” I dropped my hand to his shoulder when he wrapped his around the side of my neck. “I know him, Maggie. I watched him for years, and I paid attention to every move he made. We have a plan, and it’s a good one. As long as we stick to the plan, we’ll all come home Friday night.” He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. “You have to trust me.”
“I do,” I whispered against his lips before pulling back. “But I don’t trust him or Snake. I watched Snake do some pretty terrible things, and he lied all the time. I don’t think you can predict what either of them will do or who they’ve told.”
His eyes flicked back and forth between mine. “I can’t promise you that they haven’t told the other members of the Widows; I can only tell you what I think. I also can’t promise you that there won’t be retribution from the remaining Widows if everything goes as planned.” He tangled his hand in my hair. “But I can promise you that I’ll do everything in my power to come back to you so we can start our life together.”
I pursed my lips, my mind going a hundred miles an hour as different thoughts of what could go wrong played out like a video in my head. “What about Snap?”
“They leave tomorrow for the rally in Houston. The Widows from all around go there, and they have for years. It’s why my father wanted to do it this weekend. His clubhouse in Colorado would be empty for the most part. He could take me back, make me suffer, and then kill me without anyone in the club ever knowing I was there.”
My eyes widened. “He told you that?”
He chuckled softly. “No, baby, he didn’t say that, but I know it’s true. He told them he forced me out because of shit I was doing, but it was all a lie. He doesn’t want them to know. He’s proven that over and over again by his actions. He screwed up and rather than take responsibility for it, he bided his time, knowing he’d have his chance to end me eventually.”
“But he won’t,” I responded sternly. “Right? He won’t.”
He smiled and leaned in close, his intoxicating scent surrounding me. “No, he won’t.”
His smile faded, and he turned his head to look back over his shoulder, obviously annoyed by something. I lifted my head to see over his shoulder and laughed out loud when I saw Luna curled up in a ball right behind his head.
I rolled my lips together, trying to stifle the laughter, but it was too hard. “She loves you.”
He arched his eyebrow. “I keep telling you we need to sleep in my room so this shit doesn’t keep happening.”
“And I told you”—I poked him in the chest—“that I don’t like leaving them alone all night.”
He sighed. “They’re cats, baby. What do you think’s gonna happen through the night?”
“Luna is a little clumsy, you know that. What if she falls when she’s jumping from something?”
His eyes widened. “A little clumsy?” I shoved him in the shoulder when he continued talking. “She never lands on her feet. Isn’t that a thing with cats, that they land on their feet?”
I tried not to grin, but he was right. She always landed but hardly ever on her feet. Hopefully, she was still learning. “What if she gets hurt, and we’re not here?”
He sighed again but louder this time. “Fine. We’ll sleep here, but when we finally get our own place, we’re closing the damn door at night so we have some time without cats climbing on our heads.”
I giggled, remembering last night when Gunner woke up with Luna lying completely stretched out across his neck. He gently moved her, but he looked pretty annoyed.
“We can talk about it when it happens.”
He snorted. “I’m never gonna win this one, am I?”
I lifted my head from the pillow and pressed my lips to his, deepening the kiss when I felt his tongue run across the seam of my lips. He kissed me hungrily, like it was the first time every time, but it’d been like that from the beginning. For both of us. It was as if we couldn’t get enough of each other or be close enough to each other. I never even wanted share a bed with Snake, but with Gunner, I usually found myself lying across him in the morning. He never seemed to mind, though, and usually I’d wake with his hand shoved down the back of my panties. Why the hell I found that so sexy, I’d never understand, and I decided not to give it too much thought and just let myself enjoy it.
I pulled back and looked into his heated eyes. “Do you really care if you win?”
He grinned and wrapped his hand in my hair, pulling my mouth back to his. “I don’t even remember what we were talking about.”