Jack leaned forward and rested his elbows on the bar top. “Nah, I think I’ll stay here and keep Maggie company.”
My eyes flicked down to Maggie, and I leaned in close. “That okay with you?”
She nodded. “Yeah.”
I wasn’t so sure but decided these were her decisions to make. I needed to go hear what the fuck Cam and Luke had to say, and I knew Jack would make sure Maggie was taken care of. “Okay.” I leaned in even closer and skimmed my lips over her temple. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
She smiled up at me but didn’t say anything. She was overwhelmed, I could see it and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Becs headed in the direction of both Maggie and Jack. That would definitely help Maggie feel more comfortable. I gave her hand a squeeze and moved around the bar, following Bear back to the office with Cam and Luke right behind me.
The door was barely closed before Bear spoke. “You got anything for us?”
Luke ran his hand through his hair. “Not much.”
“Nick?” I asked.
“I called him.”
“He answer?” I inquired, surprised Cam still had the number.
Cam leaned against the desk. “Surprisingly, yes. He has his old number, and I’ve called it a lot, but he usually doesn’t answer. I’m sure he has a burner phone with the club, and I have no fucking clue how he’s been hiding his own, but he obviously has.”
“You get anything good?”
My attention flicked to Bear when he spoke, and I saw the tight line of his shoulders. I watched Luke and Cam share a look and knew we were not going to like what they were going to tell us.
“I told him we have Maggie.” Cam announced.
“Fuck.” I cursed.
“Man, that wasn’t a good idea.” Bear tilted his head back to look at the ceiling.
“We can trust him,” Cam said with resolve.
“No.” Bear looked at Cam. “You could trust Nick, your old partner. This Nick is not the same guy.”
“He’s the same.” Cam met Bear’s gaze with his own intensity. “I worked with him for a lot of fucking years, and I’m telling you, we can trust him. No matter what he’s seen or been forced to do, he’s not going to lose who he is.”
“You can’t know that.” I stated adamantly.
“You grew up in that shit, man, and you’re standing here with us today trying to take them down. It didn’t change you.”
“My situation was completely different, brother, and you know that,” I argued.
“None of that matters,” Bear interrupted. “The fact is we all expect him to carry this shit around with him for a while. Does he know anything about Snake?”
Cam shared a look with Luke, but I was starting to lose patience. “What the fuck does he know?”
Luke ran his hand around the back of his neck before his blue eyes locked on me. “Snake’s gone. He didn’t say much, but he did say you guys need to step back, sent us the same warning.”
I shook my head. “Can’t do that.”
“His warning was clear.” Cam spoke up. “I get the feeling he has something planned, and he doesn’t want us to fuck it up.”
“Or get caught in the crossfire,” Bear guessed.
“That was my interpretation,” Cam agreed. “He also said to keep Maggie locked up tight. He was cryptic, didn’t say her name, not even once, but said keep her close, she’s not safe.”
“I don’t trust this.” Bear replied.