I smiled softly, leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, immediately feeling myself calming. He deepened the kiss and slid his hand farther up my leg until his finger brushed along the edge of my panties.
I pulled back and rolled my eyes, giggling softly. “You know this is not happening in front of Jack Dimarco’s house, right?”
He squeezed my thigh gently before he pulled his hand back out and wrapped it around the other side of my neck. Still smiling, he pulled me in close again and kissed me softly. “He’d encourage me.”
I laughed against his lips, and he pulled back, just watching me. “His grandkids are here. I don’t think he’d encourage you.”
He ran his thumb along my bottom lip. “I love how easily you laugh now.” He dropped his hands and sat back, putting some distance between us. “Come on, let’s go in before I throw the gift in the yard and take you home.”
I laughed even harder and pushed my door open. It felt good to laugh. I don’t remember a time in my life when I laughed so freely and in complete happiness. I fell into step beside him after he grabbed the large gift from the back seat, and we walked toward the house. He opened a gate right beside the house that led to a huge backyard, and I swallowed hard. A party this size still had the ability to freeze me, but I was determined to push through, not only for myself but also for Gunner. This family had wedged their way into all of our lives, and once they got in, they held on tightly, and I didn’t want to shake them off. I wanted to feel a part of their family like I did with the Sinners, and to do that, I’d have to spend time with them. I’d have to trust them.
Trust was hard for me, but I was getting better. After all, now I had someone who always had my back.
I stumbled a little when I noticed Luke walking our way with his wife by his side. Gunner balanced the gift under his arm before he reached down and grabbed my hand, squeezed it gently, and pulled me closer to tuck me against his side. I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding when I felt his strength beside me.
“You made it.” Luke said once he was standing in front of us.
Gunner lifted his chin. “Yeah, man.”
Luke tugged on Kate’s hand, and she smiled. “Hi, Maggie.”
I waved awkwardly, and she smiled wider. “Hi, Kate. Hi, Luke.”
Luke smiled and dropped Kate’s hand only to throw his arm around her slim shoulders. “I’m glad you could come.” He leaned forward and stared into my eyes. “Finally.”
I squeezed Gunner’s hand and nodded. “Me too.”
Kate looked up at Luke before her attention came back to me. “We want to thank you, Maggie, and properly this time.”
I jerked back, and my eyebrows came together in confusion. “Thank me. Why?”
Kate raised her eyebrows. “Why?” She pushed away from Luke and stepped forward. “Maggie, your bravery is what made it possible for all of us to be here and together like this.” She reached out and took my hand in hers. “I’m not sure I would’ve been strong enough to put my life on the line like you did.”
“I, uh…” I stuttered, having no response.
“Can I hug you?” Kate asked sweetly, and again, I had no words, so I nodded. She took a step closer, and I dropped Gunner’s hand right before she wrapped her arms around me. She pulled back and smiled wide. “Thank you, Maggie.”
I smiled softly and looked over her shoulder when I saw a few more people approaching. “Hey man, I’ll take that.” Luke grabbed the gift from Gunner and handed it behind him to another man.
He held the gift in one hand. “Hey, Maggie. I’m Brody, and this is Gia.” He gestured to the woman beside him. She stepped forward, and I noticed her hands were full.
“Hi, Maggie. It’s so nice to finally meet you.” She nodded her head in Kate’s direction. “Kate and I have been bugging these guys to get you here so we could finally spend some time with you.”
“Hi.” I answered awkwardly, glancing down at the bundle in her arms.
Gia took a step closer. “And this is our newest addition, Addison.”
Gunner grunted. “Can’t believe you had another girl, brother.”
Brody smirked. “I’m being punished for something.”
Gia laughed and smacked him in the arm. “You’re lucky to be surrounded by so many women. It would have done you and your brothers good to have more girls in your family. Maybe you all wouldn’t act like such cavemen.”
He swung his arm around her shoulders. “We have three kids under the age of five, baby. I don’t think you mind the caveman.”
She giggled and turned her head when Jack approached. He leaned down and kissed her temple. “How are my girls?”
She smiled sweetly. “We’re good, Jack.”