I moved my gaze from the gun to once again stare at my father, hatred boiling in my veins for the loss and pain he’d caused and not only for myself. I could do it. I could end it permanently, and no one would blame me or hold it against me.
“Up to you, brother,” Bear said. “We got your back, no matter what you decide.”
My eyes flicked to Snake who lay unconscious just a short way from where I stood, and I imagined Maggie in the hospital, beat to hell, face swollen, ribs broken and so much more. I clenched my fist at my side and focused on the weight of the gun hanging from my other hand. I lifted the gun and aimed it right at Snake, enjoying the thought of him removed from the world, but I wouldn’t sacrifice my chance with Maggie, especially not for a low-life prick like Snake. Or like my father.
I lowered the gun and took a few steps to stand directly over my father. Squatting down, I stared into the face of the man who had caused so much fear and hate in my life and the lives of others, but now all I saw was a broken and bitter old man.
“Looks like your good little soldier turned on you.” I said sarcastically.
He grunted. “Wouldn’t be the first time I was crossed by someone I trusted.”
I lowered my voice. “You taught me to never trust anyone. Guess you should’ve taken your own advice.”
“You gonna kill me or are you too much of a pussy?” He wheezed.
I chuckled without any humor. “Nah, I’m gonna let the cartel take care of that.” I shrugged. “After all, I don’t like the dirty work. Like to keep my hands clean.” I tilted my head. “And I hate blood on my cut.”
His lips twisted in a sneer when I spit his own words back at him, but he didn’t say anything, so I asked him one last question, the only question I still had for him and one that had been bugging me since Maggie brought it up. “You got other kids?”
He snorted. “Probably.”
“Do I have a brother?”
He smirked. It would be his last “fuck you” to me, and I expected no less, but I still had to ask. “Guess you’ll never know.”
I nodded and leaned in close, putting our faces close together. “You were never going to beat me. I was always smarter than you and stronger than you, and in the end, I always knew I’d be the reason you’d fall. The day I watched you kill my mother sealed your fate, old man.” He tried to roll to his side, but then he winced in pain when I stood and pointed the gun at him.
Staring at him, broken and beaten, I shook my head and dropped the gun to my side. “I’m never gonna be like you.” I leaned over again and slipped the gun to my left hand. “But I am going to give you something to remember.”
Confusion flashed in his eyes, until I raised my fist and slammed it into the side of his face. His head landed on the ground with a loud crack, knocking him out, and finally satisfied, I stood straight.
I faced Bear. “Call Luke.”
He laid his hand on my shoulder. “You got it, brother.”
“You sure?” Bull asked from where he now stood on the other side of Bear. “If they talk, the Widows are coming for us.” He cracked his knuckles. “Maybe we should eliminate the threat.”
“I’m not going to jail. I’m not leaving Maggie,” I answered honestly. “I’m especially not leaving her because of those two pieces of shit.”
Bull jerked his chin up in recognition, but I knew he didn’t agree. It didn’t matter. He would support me and my decision, and if the Widows came after us in the end, he knew I’d stand next to him and fight.
Bull stalked across the room and grabbed two chairs. Bear moved forward, and I watched as the two of them dragged my father and Snake into the chairs and tied them with the rope Bull had grabbed from a spot by the door. We needed to make sure they didn’t have a chance to escape before Luke got there.
Bear reached into my father’s pocket and dug out the drive, shoving it into his own pocket before heading to the door.
“How we gonna explain this carnage?” Bull asked.
Bear looked back, and his eyes scanned the room. “Looks to me like they turned on each other. Plus, we have nothing to explain, considering we were never fucking here.”
“Dimarco gonna believe that?”
“No evidence sayin’ otherwise, is there?” I said before I turned and started moving, only glancing back once before I continued toward the door with Bear and Bull. I was going home to Maggie. With the help of the video and Maggie’s charges against Snake, I’d never have to see either of these pieces of shit again.
We walked together, Bull pulling the door closed behind us before we made our way to our bikes across the street. Bear pulled his phone from his pocket when we reached our bikes, and I knew he was going to call Luke. He’d be here within minutes to take their asses in. He’d also be pissed we lied to him, but in the end, he was getting what he wanted so I didn’t give a fuck.
My head snapped around when I heard the large metal door we’d just exited slam shut behind us. Bear stopped and turned at the same time I did, dropping his phone to his side.
Bear narrowed his eyes. “Nick.”