“That’s my full belly look,” I grin, rubbing my stomach. “Are you cold?”

“Not really.”

“Then why are you wearing that blanket?” I ask.

She looks down as if just realizing she’s still draped in the thing. “Because I’m not wearing any clothes.”

“But I’ve already seen you naked.”

“No, you’ve seen portions of me naked,” she corrects with a laugh. “I’m not as confident as you. I can’t go parading around in my panties.”

“I sure as hell wouldn’t mind if you did.”

She rolls her eyes and goes back to cleaning up. I laugh and straighten our bedding, going to find more blankets. If we have to go without fire, we’re going to need all the warmth we can get.

Chapter thirteen


Iwrap a quilt around my shoulders, feeling the soft warmth against my skin. The cabin is small and dimly lit, but the fire crackles in the wood stove, filling the air with its pleasant heat. I can’t believe how comfortable I am after feeling like I was going to die. I am certainly not going to say it to Noah, but I had all but given up out there.

Washing dishes while wearing a blanket is difficult, but I’m not as confident as he is. But I don’t mind looking at his naked glory—mostly naked. I want to ask if he works out, but that feels just a little cheesy.

I finish cleaning up, using the water sparingly, and go to the bathroom, which is really just a tiny closet with a toilet and a sink. Showers are not an option. I was prepared for that when I packed. Unfortunately, my suitcase is back on the plane. I hope Eric gets back soon or the weather warms up, and we can walk back to the plane. Although, I’m not excited about that.

On the way out of the bathroom, I notice something on the floor. It’s a Post-it note. Curious, I pick it up.

Dear Mia,

Bad storm. I’ll check on you in a few days.


Relief washes over me. Eric had been here, and he plans to return. I sigh with relief, knowing I’m not completely abandoned out here with Noah. Not that being trapped in this cabin with him is all that terrible. Now that I know help is coming, I can relax a little. However, I can’t shake my unease after having sex with a stranger. It is definitely not my style, but it isn’t the worst thing. I look at the note again. It’s kind of short for Eric. He’s usually a wordy guy. He must have been in a hurry.

I take the note back to our makeshift bed where Noah is sitting. I like the fact that he is waiting for me. I didn’t want to come right out and tell him I wanted him to sleep with me, but I liked the feel of him beside me. It was soothing. After everything we have been through, I need that reassurance. Knowing my ex is out there wanting to kill me, it feels even better having a man like Noah at my back. I’ve been running for so long that I forgot how comforting it was to be in a man’s arms.

I hand him the Post-it note.

“What’s this?” he asks.

He takes it from me, his fingers grazing mine as he does. The slight touch sends a ripple of desire through me, stirring something that should be sated.

“Eric was here,” I tell him, though it’s unnecessary. “He says he’ll be back in a few days.”

Noah nods, handing the note back to me. “Good. Then we’ll ride it out unless the weather is decent enough, and I can get back to the plane.”

I sit down opposite him, pulling the blanket tighter around me. We both stare at the fire, allowing ourselves to be hypnotized by the flames.

“We should sleep,” he says with a sigh.

“I know.”

But neither of us makes a move.

“Tell me about yourself,” I say with a sigh. “It seems like I probably should have asked these questions before I got naked with you.”

He chuckles. “We got naked to stay alive. We were both hypothermic.”