From behind a partition, a woman’s beehive hairdo pops up, her neck craning to see what all the commotion is about.
Someone takes out their cell and starts recording.
But my steps don’t falter.
I’ve been waiting six days, seven hours, ten minutes and twenty-three seconds for Darla to return my call. Just as I promised, her time is up.
“Hey, aren’t you Gage Harlow?” A man with caterpillars for eyebrows, shouts.
Normally, I’d stop. Say a kind word and go on about my merry way. However, there is nothing merry about me today.
My woman has stalled me for as long as I will allow.
I told her I was coming for her. And I meant it.
From the corner of my eye, I see Emily jumping up and down pointing to the door at the end of the hall. I give her a nod and make a mental note to send her a dozen roses.
When I reach the door, I don’t knock.
I throw the door open wide.
Darla flies out of her office chair. “What are you doing here?”
I step into the office. “I told you that I would give you time.”
“I need more.” She squeaks.
“You’ve had enough.” I stalk towards her, dragging a chair from in front of her desk to the right to block her exit. I keep moving to the left.
She nervously licks her lips, stepping backwards until her back hits the wall.
“What is more time going to do for you?” I growl.
“Uhm…I…uhm…I don’t know.” She shrugs.
“Wrong answer.”
She peeks around my shoulder. “People are watching us.”
“Good. Then there’ll be plenty of witnesses for what I’m about to do.”
“What are you going to do?” Her baby blues blink.
“I’m going to make you confess.” The rapid rise and fall of her gorgeous breasts distract me for a half of a second.
“Confess?” Her hand goes to her chest. “Confess what? You don’t think I was the one that leaked that story, do you?”
“Don’t be daft, woman.” I inch closer. “How do you feel about me?”
“Oh, you didn’t hear me.” I step back, cup my hands around my mouth and bellow. “How do you feel about me, Darla Gray!”
“Stop it!” She glares. “Everyone can hear you!”
She bends to the side, looking over my shoulder.