Page 20 of One Night Diamond

“I honestly can’t believe it’s happening.”

“It’s happening.” Emily walks over to sit beside me. “Where do you go from here?”

“We’re going to talk about that tonight. He told me he’s going to get his pilot license so he can fly a plane from Bangor to Portland. Can you believe that? He’s going to fly to see me? The flight is forty-three minutes which beats a two-hour drive any day.”

“I think it’s romantic.”

“What about you?” I twist my hair into a knot. “Do you have any regrets?”

“Nope. Not one. Well, I guess I do have one.”

“What’s that?”

“That it took so long for me to find Jake.”

I laugh, giving her a quick squeeze. “Now, what do you have to show me?”

Emily slides a phone from her purse. “I’m going to show you something. But before I do, I want you to remember everything you just told me. Okay?”

“Okay. You’re scaring me.”

“I know you, honey. You’re not going to take this well, but as your best friend I can’t keep it from you.” She puts her phone in my hand. “Read this.”

My eyes swing back and forth at lightning speed. My heart drops into my stomach. “Oh, no.” I glance over at Lilah. She’s bebopping to her music without a care in the world. “I have to tell Lilah.” My heart sinks even further. “And then I have to tell Gage. How will he ever forgive me?”

“Forgive you?” Emily grits out. “Your brother did this. Not you. Jake is telling Gage right now. So, you don’t have to worry about that.”

I read the article again. The headline makes me cringe.

Bangor Braves’ Gage Harlow Has Secret Love Child

But it’s when I see the picture of Gage and Lilah on the beach tears start to fall. “Lilah must have sent this picture to her uncle.”

My relationship with my brother has been strained for years. However, he’s always been good to Lilah. He doesn’t see her very much, maybe once a year. But they text often. Simon’s hardcore gambling problem has taken him to some very low places. He’s lost jobs, even been to jail. If there’s an opportunity for him to make an easy buck to feed his habit, he takes it.

But this? This is an all-time low.

“She’s been over the moon having her father in her life.” I pick up the towel to wipe my face. “How could Simon do this? How?” I sob. “It’s going to break her heart. Not to mention Gage. How will this affect Gage’s career? He’s been talking about how this is the year they will make it to the World Series.” I sag against Emily. “It’s all ruined.”

“Honey, I don’t think it’s ruined. It can be fixed.”


“Gage has a good head on his shoulders. He’ll think of something. The most important thing is to protect your daughter. Gage will be just fine. Simon might need protection though.”

“What’d you mean?” I sniffle.

“Jake is furious. He can’t believe what a horrible person your brother is. To sell a tabloid story about his own niece, never mind his own sister, he just can’t wrap his brain around it. He has a cousin in the mob, you know. He might call him.”

I should tell Emily to tell Jake not to call his cousin, but I don’t. I’m done trying to help Simon. Done protecting him. He has crossed a line. An unforgiveable line. There’s no coming back from this.

I take a deep breath, sit up and get ready to take a stick of dynamite to my life.

Chapter Twelve - Darla

Three hours later, I’m sitting at the café on the beach totally exhausted.

Thankfully, Lilah took the news like a champ. “I don’t care what people say, mummy,” she said. “I know the truth. That’s all the matters.” My girl is so smart.