Page 60 of Iron Blade

“It is deadly serious, Kira. You’re just too dumb to see it.”

Well, that was uncalled for.

Then she stood up, straightened her dress, and walked out without a backwards glance. I finished my glass by myself because I wasn't going to give up this kind of wine, and stacked up the papers - the copy of the prenup that she had left behind.

She’ll get over it, one day. I thought with a scoff.

“Fucking insane New Yorkers,” I chuckled to myself.

Dramatics aside, I had gotten the answer I wanted. The contract was real. So was the money in the check.

The only thing that wasn’t real was a reason to refuse his offer. Cosima’s little fit and preposterous story just strengthened my resolve.

Blink had implied that this might be a good thing.

I took out my green fountain pen - the one that my father had left me. I took the pen in my left hand, and signed the paper, in the middle of the Italian restaurant where my friend told me I was dead to her.

Bye bye, Kira Kekoa. Hello Kira Green.

Chapter twenty

The Ring


Iwaited for her call. For two days, my phone stayed silent as I endured one irritating meal after another with my father, his wife and hovering staff. All the while, ghosts lurked behind every corner.

Malinda entered, with trays in her hand. She placed one in front of my father, who started eating with no regard for anyone else. Bastard.

Then she put the other in front of me.

“Malinda.” My hand jutted out, grabbing her by the wrist before she could escape.

She looked at her wrist, where we connected, her mouth parted in surprise and delight. “Yes, Eoghan?”

Her breathy voice grated my last nerve. It wasn’t her fault. She didn’t have the assertive, confident voice of my paramour. I let her hand go as if it was infected, nodding to the plate in front of me.

“What did I say about serving Aoibheann first?” I finally said, tapping an agitated finger on the table.

“Oh,” she said, her shoulders slumped.

What did she expect? That I’d ask her back into my bed? It had been months, and I had treated her to a shoulder that was colder than an arctic winter. Still, she was infatuated. It made me a little sick if I was honest.

At least it did now that I had met Kira - the woman who would not bend for me.

It was important for me to wait for her call, no matter how much I wanted to grab my phone and pester her - what did she think of my offer? Was it enough? Would she rather take the lot?

“Take this plate, and give it to the lady of the house,” I commanded when Malinda still had not moved.

She straightened, looking around, and picked up the plate in front of me, and placed it in front of Aoibheann. My stepmother looked at me with grateful eyes, like I was her savior. It twisted my gut, as I pushed out any thoughts of her, and her place in this house. Why the fuck would this basic courtesy gain such a reaction from her?

I didn’t want to think about the reasons.

I didn’t care for the woman. Hell, I didn't care for either of the women in my presence. But I was a stickler for order and tradition.

“Do not make this mistake again, Malinda,” I warned as she turned to leave again. She didn’t turn around this time, but simply halted in her step. Without a word, she walked out.

“Is it just me, or has her skirt gotten scandalously short?” Dairo said with a light chuckle, as he took a sip of his martini.