If only she knew. If only she understood that I wanted to bleed for her. I wanted to take her up in front of everyone and cut my hand to make an oath to be hers in blood. And even if she chose not to take it with me, I would take it for her, freely, without reserve. But that would make a reasonable woman run for the hills. And Kira was nothing if not a reasonable woman.
“Mark me,” I said, leaning down to kiss her belly, where I hoped a baby grew already. “Dig your nails into my skin and mark my flesh the way you’ve marked my soul.”
She groaned, her thighs tightening around my hips.
“You say such ridiculous things.”
I leaned down and took a deep inhale of her musky scent, as she grew wet at nothing but the power of my words. My vows made her want me, which just meant that I would recite them like a priest at the pulpit.
“And you accept it,” I said, crawling up her body, and reaching down to unbutton my trousers and unleash my cock. “You accept my vow.” I placed my tip at her entrance. “You accept my oath.”
I grabbed her right hand again, and placed her palm against my lips before I bared my teeth and bit down. She winced at the pain, but never pulled away.
I would place my teeth marks on this sacred skin, until such a time that she would accept my mark on her.
“Why do you do that?” she asked through a pleasured groan as my cock slid further between her folds. “Why do you… bite my … hand…”
Her head fell back, her eyes rolling as she groaned with ecstasy.
“Do you know about handfasting?” I asked, feeling like I had to lay myself bare in front of her. Like I could cleave myself in two and expose the deepest parts of me.
“I… what? Like… oh!” She moaned as I swirled my hips, letting my cock push around her walls, carving itself within her passage.
“It’s an ancient thing, before there were priests. A man and woman cut their palms and joined hands.” She moaned as I pulled out, then thrust back inside. “They’d wrap a cloth around their union, making a marriage pledge.”
I had no idea if she could hear me, or if she was too far into her own pleasure to understand. I didn’t care.
I wanted to tell her this secret.
“I want to cut our hands and bear the mark of our oath to each other.” My forehead fell onto her chest, staring down between her swollen breasts, to the place where my cock thrust between us. “So scratch me, Kira,” I begged against her skin as sweat started to pool on her heated skin. “Dig your nails in. Take my knife and carve your name into my skin if you want. It is the least I would give to you.”
I hardened inside her, my balls tightening as I prepared to thrust deep inside her. She screamed in ecstasy, her legs tightening around my waist, drawing me into her, and I reached out to grab her hand, to place the skin of her palm between my teeth again.
Her other hand reached up, curling around my ribs, her nails clawing at my back. It was pure ecstasy when her nails dug in, cutting into my flesh as she tried to draw me into her.
I felt the euphoria of pain. I groaned with the sting that heightened the pleasure of her wet pussy as she pulsed and quivered around me.
“I’m coming!” she whined, as I felt the final, hard, uncontrollable thrusts as I shouted my orgasm against the tender flesh of her sweet palm.
I came, spilling myself inside her, and feeling the satisfaction as she arched with pleasure.
I would never tire of hearing those words - her declaration of pleasure. I would never tire of her saying my name, or calling me husband. There were no words more haunting or more sacred than her declaration of love.
“I would give my life for you,” I vowed, enjoying her warmth around my shaft. She was such a tight fit that I could even feel her quivering breaths against my sensitive tip. “I will give you everything.”
I slowly, painfully, pulled my softening cock from inside her, my head pulling out of her with a wet pop.
I looked down with rapt fascination as my white cum leaked from inside her. I took my two fingers, pulling the droplets back up, and placing them back where they belonged - deep inside her.
“Mm,” she groaned, as she bit her lower lip. The act made her kissable mouth look even more plump. “I’m so… tender.”
It wasn’t a complaint. In fact, she sounded quite satisfied.
But I knew not to push further. Not yet. Not until she knew me better, and not until I could train her body to my whims. I would have her moaning, wanting, and greedy for me, as I was for her. But all of that would take time. Time that I had, now that she was my wife. We would have a lifetime to become accustomed to each other.
But bliss was over, at least for now.
“We have to go to the main house,” I said without preamble, changing the topic from the ecstasy of our little world. “You’ll need to meet my father, and…”