Page 65 of Iron Blade

“I’ll have to bend you over and spank your arse red if I ever see you without this ring on your hand.”

My eyes shuttered at the sound of his words. It felt as if his voice caressed my throat, like a lover’s hand, curling his long fingers until he controlled my breath.

He took my heavy hand in his, and in one sexy, suggestive movement, took my ring finger into his mouth, down to above the gem and sucked on my digit. He slowly released my finger, until he nipped at the pad of my finger.

I would have been revolted if any other man did that. But with Eoghan, it took my breath away.

“I’ve claimed you, Miss Kekoa.” He kissed my palm, cradling it against his lips. “You’re mine now.”

I should have heard sirens blaring, and red flags flying. But instead it sent a warm shiver up my spine and all I wanted to do was fall into his arms, and reaffirm that yes - I was his, I was no longer Miss Kekoa but instead Mrs. Eoghan Green. I wanted our life together to start right now.

It was fate. We were fate. We were destined.

I believed it because he believed it. Whether it was God, or many Gods, or some other cosmic or karmic power, we were intertwined from now until the end of time.

I didn’t want to be alone anymore. I didn’t want to fight the world by myself. I wanted him.

“When do we…” I wasn’t sure what I was asking. When do we pull the trigger? When do we tie the knot?

“What are you doing tonight?” He smiled, keeping my palm against his mouth, his warm breath caressing my sensitive skin, making goosebumps spread up my arm to my chest and my hardening nipples.

“Are you serious?” I tried to laugh, even as the desire to be his legal wife, sooner rather than later, pierced through me like lightning. “Tonight?”

“Yes.” He leaned down, bringing his forehead to mine. “There’s no need to delay, Miss Kekoa.”

“I’m… working tonight…”

“After work then.”

I laughed even more at the absurdity of it all. He didn’t look annoyed with me. In fact, he was perfectly unphased.

And maybe I deserved this. I deserved to be swept off my feet and feel adored.

I deserved to be showered with a thousand orchid blossoms by a rich man in a designer suit, with a sexy as sin accent, and a hint of danger that made my heart flutter.

“I should get a dress, and… I don’t know. Get my hair done?” What the hell was I supposed to be doing?

My hand, with his mother’s precious ring, was over his heart. His hand pinned it to him with a possessiveness that made my knees weak.

His heartbeat wasn’t rushed and didn’t match his insistence that we tie the knot tonight.

He was steady. Sure. Reliable.

“There’ll be no place to buy a dress or a hairdresser open after work… I…”

I didn’t know if I wanted him to come up with another solution, or if I wanted to delay this thing that was moving way too fast.

I wanted him to kiss me. Was that silly?

Shouldn’t that be what happens when a man puts his ring on your finger? They kiss you passionately, and deeply?

Or was I stuck in some old romantic notion that had no place in today’s society? I wasn’t sure. I had no fucking idea what was happening anymore. I was caught in a storm, fighting wind, dodging debris, trying to stay dry while attempting to survive.

The world was moving around me, and I was afraid of getting swept away - and at the same time, wanting to drift away on the exciting current.

“Love, one thing you need to learn is that having money means that the stores are never closed.”

He smirked, as if he had read my thoughts. He placed his index finger under my chin, tilting my face towards his. I longed to kiss him. I wanted him to lean forward, and plant a passionate kiss on my mouth. But he didn’t.