Page 100 of Protective Heroes

Ford puffed out his chest. “You first.”

She rolled her eyes. At her feet, the puddle of liquid was growing and about to touch her shoes. She wasn’t entirely sure what it was, but it had a sickly sweet scent like codeine. Not toxic but she needed to clean it up and make note that the box had fallen and the contents shattered.

“Just go, both of you. Lincoln, grab Jessy on your way out. She’ll see to your stitches.”

He hesitated, and she could see he wanted to say more.

“Please,” she said, holding his gaze.

Ford, hearing the desperation in her voice, gave her a wave and left. Lincoln took another couple of seconds to listen, but eventually he went out of the area, leaving her on her own with a mess and her thoughts.


Allison was going to have to transfer to another job if this kept up. She could barely turn around without a big, hunky soldier in her path. Her demand for both Lincoln and Ford to leave had lasted all of a day before they’d returned.

Ford had come in with another assignment, he said. And Lincoln had come in with a pulled shoulder muscle. She had a feeling it was faked, but of course it meant sitting him down and getting his shirt off.

On the flip side, a heated flush came alive inside at the memory of what Lincoln had said to her yesterday about knowing how to pleasure her.

She’d gone home after her shift, taken off all her clothes and masturbated to thoughts of his steely muscle under her hands while their tongues tangled and he slid his cock into her needy pussy.

“What are you doing here?” she asked Ford.

His broad back was presented to her, but at her voice, he turned, revealing that he was holding a small bag with a coffeehouse logo on it. The Rise and Grind had the best donuts, and she from the smell, she knew what his gift was. He extended the bag to her.

“Oh Ford. My favorite.” She accepted the bag and brought it to her nose. Inhaling the sweet fragrance, she tried to suppress the leap of her heart she felt at receiving his gift and special attention. She shouldn’t like it, but she’d been so lonely lately.

“You spend too much time holed up in this place, Allison.”

“It’s my work.”

He stepped up to her, cupping her chin in his hand. Compared to his rough, long fingers, she felt like spun glass. His gaze burned into hers and a part of her responded. “Did someone hurt you, sweetheart?”

Was she that obvious that both he and Lincoln would pick up on it?

“It was a long time ago.” She looked away.

“Go out with me. You need to be made to feel like the woman you are again. I’ll be by to get you at the end of your shift. We’ll walk down to Walker’s and have a drink.”

Getting out did sound appealing. Sometimes she and Jessy went for drinks but lately their schedules hadn’t been meshing. It was either go out with Ford or go home and watch boring reruns.

She felt herself nodding. “All right.”

Standing so near she could feel the heat of his body brush against hers, he caressed the point of her chin with his thumb before releasing her. “Good. I’ll see you then.”

For the next few hours of her shift, she wondered if she should cancel. She talked herself out of going at least a dozen times, but when Ford showed up to take her, she couldn’t say no.

“Give me a minute,” she said. She went into the restroom and set her bag on the countertop. She usually brought a change of clothes and shoes because she hated running errands in her nurse’s attire, and luckily she had a change today. She took off her scrubs and slipped on a sundress over a matching pair of white silk panties and bra that didn’t look like she bought them in stock. And finally a pair of ballet flats. Then she fluffed her hair, applied some face powder and lastly, a smear of bright lipstick.

Funny, I FEEL like a woman again.

Smiling at her reflection, she went out of the restroom to find Ford waiting for her. Arms crossed, biceps bulging. It felt good to have a gorgeous man on her arm. She shouldn’t be going out with a soldier at all, but he was more harmless to her than Lincoln. That man was pure trouble to her heart.

Ford offered her his arm, and she took it with a smile. Together they went out of the building into the sunlight. The Army base had its own smell, like trees and hot pavement. When she’d first come here, she’d been stunned to find the place so huge. It was its own city and covered several counties.

“I have my motorcycle on the grounds but it seems nicer to walk if you’re up for it,” he said.

She envisioned him with solid steel between his thighs, shirtless, his tattoos standing out in the sunlight. Shaking herself from the daydream, she nodded. “Walking is good.”