Caden called back to them through the window in a low, rushed voice, “Clear to move. This place is like a damn tinderbox, people. Flames have already started on the support beams. Let’s double time it.” He turned to Abigail, lips hardened in a determined flat line.
She gave a sharp nod, then answered, “Ready.”
“That’s my girl.”
Reece offered Abigail a hand. She tucked the revolver in the back of her waistband then grasped his extended hand for balance while she climbed out the window. They crossed the roof of the porch, keeping to the shadows, pausing every few feet to scope out the surroundings. He hoped whoever was attacking Abigail’s house was still keeping to the south side where they entered her property line, but he doubted it. They had a slim window of time to get Abigail to safety and they would not miss it.
Caden eased down the side with the help of lattice fixed to the side of the house. Abigail lowered herself with the help of Caden, and Reece followed.
As soon as his feet hit the ground, Caden threw up the sign to hold tight. Abigail paused and kneeled, following Caden’s example.
Reece leaned forward to speak low next to her ear, “Caden will clear the area around the side of the house. When he returns we’ll hoof it to the tree line. He’ll go first, you in the middle and I’ll bring up the rear. Are there any motion lights on this side of the house we need to know about?”
“Yes, once we get ten yards out from the side of the house, it will flick on.”
Shit. Might as well put a bull’s eye on their asses.
With his sidearm drawn, Caden peeled off and maneuvered around the side of the house. They needed to know how close the hostiles were to their position.
“Clear on this side. Let’s go.” Reece nodded at Caden and pulled Abigail to her feet. He held her gaze and put it out there in black and white. “Don’t stop. Don’t look back.”
“You might find I’m a good runner.” A hint of arrogance colored her words. Good—she’d need that confidence when the rounds started flying.
“We ready or are we going to stand here and chat all night?” Caden spoke up from his left.
“Go. Now.”
Abigail shot out, leaving Caden to catch up with her. He hightailed it right behind them, his own gun cocked and ready. The old wound on his thigh flared to life, but he buried the pain and pushed harder. Faster. They had to get Abigail to safety.
Just like Abigail said, the floodlight burst to life the second they hit the ten-yard marker. He threw a glance over his right shoulder. Two hostiles rounded the house. “Move. Move. Move.” Caden and Abigail picked up the pace.
The first round slammed into the ground by his feet followed by another, this way too fucking close to Abigail. He picked up his knees and pushed harder to cover her back. More shots rang out in rapid secession. Dirt kicked up and hit Abigail’s face, but she didn’t stop.
Twenty yards farther. Fifteen. Ten.
Caden and Abigail hit the tree line at a hard run. Ducking behind the first big tree, they came to a full stop that sent dirt and debris flying. Caden pulled Abigail between them, all three crouching to their knees barely out of reach of that damn floodlight. The two hostiles that had spotted them disappeared behind the house more than likely calling all their asshole friends over to join the shootout.
“Can’t you shoot that light out?” Gasping for air, Abigail flung her hand in the direction if the light.
Reece anchored her body between him and Caden. “No, sweetheart. Now it’s the only thing keeping them from following us. They know we’re armed.”
“Fuck,” Caden ground out. Keeping Abigail between them, he turned to face Reece. “You get that call out for extraction?”
“Affirmative. Before we left, I called Dane, told him to be on standby. All I had to do was let it ring. Let’s pull back and get some distance between us and them.”
“You know the ETA?”
Reece glanced at his watch. “About five minutes from now.”
Gunfire riddled their makeshift shield sending bits of bark flying through the air like tiny spiked projectiles.
Abigail tucked her shoulder and dove.
He fell on top of her with Caden returning fire. Rounds pierced the dense foliage and buried in the packed dirt and roots of the trees surrounding them. So far so lucky but they couldn’t take the chance with Abigail.
“Cover us.”