The waitress came for their order, and he let Angelina go first. She ordered a black coffee and a cinnamon roll.
“Same,” he said without looking away from her.
But the waitress sure was staring at Ford. But it was impossible not to notice a man like him.
When they were alone again, he stared deep into her eyes. Leaning over the table, he took her hand again. “Don’t deny what you’re feeling for me. You’re not the type of woman to ignore a situation staring you in the face.”
She needed to pull her hand back but wanted so badly to leave it under his. Since there were people around them—who could turn her in to the university—she removed her hand and placed it back in her lap.
“You’re right—I don’t ignore anything. But this can’t be more than a professional meeting, Ford.”
“Like fuck. I’m getting you on the back of my bike and stealing you away to my cabin.”
She swallowed hard against the rising excitement inside her. Bike? “You have a cabin?”
“Well it’s a buddy’s, but we all have open invitations, and I’m on a twelve-hour leave. I already know you don’t have classes tomorrow, so our schedules are cleared.” At that moment, their coffees and food arrived, so she couldn’t reply even if she could find something to say.
No, I can’t come to your cabin. But I want to with every cell in my body.
I’m already in a relationship.
No lies. She couldn’t pretend she was something she wasn’t, though she could not act on these desires and jeopardize her career.
He gave a nod toward her cinnamon roll. “You’d better get some sugar in you. You’ll need the energy.”
A quiver ran through her body, trickled into her lower belly and ended between her thighs. Somehow, she managed to pick up her fork. “You can’t speak to me this way. I’m not a soldier buddy of yours. Or do you always command your women around?”
Instead of answering the only thing he did was arched a brow as he shoved a bite between his lips. Lips she wanted to feel all over her body.
Damn, her blush was back, and he was cocky enough to grin about it around his mouthful of cinnamon roll. But he didn’t comment.
“So what do we do about this attraction?”
It was her turn to lean over the table. “Will you keep your voice down?”
“Fine.” He leaned in too, so close she caught his scent—aftershave and pure male. A wave of dizziness hit her. Pheromones. It’s just a reaction—I don’t have to act on it. In a whisper, he said, “I’ll keep it down when I say you’d better finish your food quickly, because I’m going to put you on my bike and make you wrap your arms and legs around me while I drive you to the cabin, which we will have to ourselves for the next twelve hours.”
“Your leave ends in twelve hours. Cutting it a little close, aren’t you?” Crap, she hadn’t meant to say that at all. It sounded as though she was agreeing to his insane suggestion.
He grinned and sat back, shoving another bite in his mouth. Even when he spoke with his mouth full, it was manly as hell. “I know some shortcuts that will get me back on base in time.”
A fire lit in her at that and before she thought about it too much she quipped, “I hope they’re not shortcuts in bed.” Oh God, she’d really said that.
He dropped his fork and was on his feet in a heartbeat. Grabbing her arm, he pulled her up too. Then he threw down some cash for the bill and gave a cursory, “Grab your bag, baby. We’re leaving now.” before marching her out of the coffee shop.
“Put your leg over the bike and get settled before I get on.” Ford’s cock was pure steel and skimming his abs. As soon as Angelina had mentioned bed, his cock had popped out of his waistband and ached like hell. He could feel the wetness leaking from the tip, primed and ready.
He nearly growled as he watched her throw her leg over his bike, her thighs so damn shapely in a pair of skinny jeans, which he’d never seen her in before. Her figure was tight, curvy, and he couldn’t fucking wait to get her against him. After peeling all those unwanted layers of cloth from her body.
When she was situated, she looked around as if afraid of being caught with someone who was off-limits. He hadn’t been lying when he’d said he’d quit the university to make her available to him. He could take online courses if necessary, but he wasn’t worried about getting caught.
He got on the bike and revved the engine. “Put your arms around me, baby.”
She’d barely tucked them around his middle when he jumped on the gas, zooming down the street. She squealed and as he took the turn at the intersection, he said, “Hold on and lean with me.”
She did, tightening her arms until he felt her breasts pressed against his spine and her pussy fitted against his ass. His cock grew another fraction, if such a thing was possible.
Everything about her felt good and right, but it was the electricity between them that couldn’t make him stop thinking about getting her into bed. He’d done a hell of a lot in his lifetime, seen more, but this—this was new.