He couldn’t help it—he took a step closer. She tipped her head back.
Suddenly, he scooped her against his chest and lowered his head at the moment she went on tiptoe. Their mouths collided in a primal, earth-shattering kiss he felt all the way to his soul. She tasted like heaven and felt as soft as a cloud. Moaning, he angled his head, and she parted her lips.
Taking immediate advantage, he swept his tongue inside. Long, sweeping passes that fueled his desire but made him realize how right he’d been about her. They might have only known each other for a short time, but he’d known from first sight that she was the one for him.
She made a small noise of desire, sending his cock into a rock-hard state in a nanosecond. He clutched her tighter, hips to hips, showing her just how much he wanted her.
God, he wanted to take her right here in broad daylight, but that wasn’t showing her how different he was, so he pulled away to the sound of a soft whimper on her lips.
She blinked up at him in a dazed way that only made him hungrier for her. He wanted to see her like this for a solid day and night. No, make that a week. Maybe he could get leave just to take her to bed and give her all the pleasure she deserved.
Need spiraled through him like a missile. Once it struck earth, he’d explode with need, and he couldn’t get carried away yet.
“Come on. I have a nice dinner for us planned.” He leaned in close until his lips brushed the soft shell of her ear. “Don’t get me wrong. I want to take you to bed and have those sweet moans of yours fill my ears, but I have to do this wright.” He pulled back. “Treat you like a queen. My queen.” He took her by the arm and started in the direction that would take them off base and into the local small town. The walk wasn’t far, and it would give them time to talk.
“How was work today, baby?” he asked her.
He saw her lip caught between her teeth and almost lost his battle for control against taking her. “Why is that?”
“Well I had a patient faking a head injury who was really carrying a message for me.”
His brows shot up. “Ah, that is interesting.” He gave her a crooked grin, and she returned it with a white-toothed one of her own. “And how did you feel about his message?”
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Allison, I’m sorry about the other night at Walker’s. I saw Ford with you and sort of lost my head.”
“Sort of?” Their pace was slow but she stopped and raised her brow at him. He wanted to kiss the space between her brows and smooth away her worries over that event. “Did you get in trouble for it?”
“Yeah.” He sighed. “But I deserved it.”
“Wait, you’re actually admitting you shouldn’t have punched Ford?”
Oh he’d wanted to do much more to the man, but lately he’d been seeing that getting what he wanted had more than one path to reach it. And sometimes taking the rougher path was actually the best. He’d need to finesse his way into Allison’s heart but she was clearly not a woman who loved the adrenaline rush of him using his fists on her behalf.
“Ford and I served together in Afghanistan. We’ve had troubles lately, but he’s a good man.” Just not for you.
She nodded, her lip between her teeth again. “We were only having a drink.”
“Does you agreeing to go to dinner with me mean it’s more in your mind?”
She opened her mouth to answer, but he realized what he’d asked had put her on the spot. He held up a hand. “Don’t answer that. I’m not being fair by asking. I only want to show you a good time and maybe let you know how much this means to me that you’re here.”
“And get me into bed.”
Straight to the point. He liked that.
“I am dying to spread thighs I know are creamy and delicious. But I can wait.”
She seemed to relax a bit at his admittance, her shoulders dropping and a smile returning to her pretty face. “I am hungry.”
“Good. I hope you like Italian food. This place is rumored to have the best.”
“Is it Giseppe’s?”
His heart fell. “You’ve been there?”