He’d never felt so strongly about a woman before, and he wasn’t a quitter. The Army had trained him well.
“Stupid.” Allison tossed her flats into the corner of her room and went into the bathroom to splash water on her face. She’d cried all the way to her apartment and felt hot and sticky after the long walk.
Her apartment was too hot after baking all day in the North Carolina heat, but she didn’t have enough money to buy one of those small air conditioner units to fit in the window. Her apartment building was old and off the beaten path, unlike some of the new places for rent.
In some ways, she was glad to be farther from the base. It meant she wasn’t seen often, and maybe Ford and Lincoln wouldn’t know where to find her.
She looked into the mirror at her tear-tracked face and red-rimmed eyes.
Her last boyfriend had gotten possessive and controlling. He’d flip out over who she’d treated that day and what body parts she’d seen. He’d question if the guys had hit on her at all.
Part of the reason she’d accepted some of Ford and Lincoln’s advances had been pure rebellion against her ex. Like saying look at me, I’m touching this guy, he’s touching me. And kissing me.
But all of her choices lately weren’t right for her. She had to cut off her desire. When she thought of a long, lust-filled night, Lincoln came into her mind. Visions of his strong body working over-top her as he plunged his cock deep into her aching pussy. Their gazes locked and all of the fireworks blasting between them.
She pushed out a breath. “You don’t even want Ford. You shouldn’t have gone out for drinks with him,” she said to her reflection.
Ford was a convenient distraction for what she’d really been feeling since meeting Lincoln. And the way he’d stared down at her on the sidewalk made her wonder if he felt the same.
With a noise of annoyance at her racing thoughts, she ripped off her clothes and got into the cold shower. Instead of the cold spray cutting her desires, her skin pebbled and her nipples hardened. Her clit pulsated between the lips of her pussy, and she couldn’t stop it anymore.
She ran her fingers down between her legs and gasped as she circled her hard nub. Girl cum instantly soaked her pouty fold, much hotter than the water in the shower. She sank one finger deep in her pussy and continued to stroke her clit. Pressure built in her core and tendrils of pleasure radiated through her system.
She needed Lincoln. The filthy fantasy running through her head was on instant replay. Had been for days now, to be honest. She needed the hard, swollen cock she felt pressing into her stomach while he kissed her inside her, pleasuring her into the best orgasm of her life.
She panted into the quiet space as hot sensations ran over her
Leaning heavily against the wall, she imagined kissing Lincoln again and his rough fingers teasing her clit, stroking her velvety walls.
Driving her wild. She bucked her hips into her hand, and cried out again. Breathing hard, she finger-fucked herself. Lincoln loomed in her mind. His eyes, mouth on her nipples, teasing her pussy and ass as he stole her sanity.
Her blood ran hot, searing through her veins. Lava would be ice water in comparison.
She peaked too fast, suddenly exploding in a blinding glow. She screamed his name, and it echoed off the walls. Contraction after contraction hit her body, and slick juices ran over her fingers.
“Lincoln,” she almost sobbed as her bliss came to an end. She hung against the wall, forehead pressed to it, wondering how the hell she was going to stop thinking about him and if he’d really abide by her wishes and leave her alone.
She hated herself right now, because she didn’t want that—not one bit. She turned off the water and grabbed the vibrator from her dresser drawer and fell to her bed, legs wide open, pussy angry with need. But the thick fake cock wasn’t enough to get her off the way she wanted. No. Only Lincoln could do that for her.
“You’ve gotta be kidding. You’re allowed back in this bar after that fight the other week?” His friend, Ren’s, drawled words reached Lincoln where he sat on the stool nursing a beer.
He lifted his bottle toward Liberty, the beautiful bar owner who was serving drinks to several men at the other end of the bar. “She said she understood that affairs of the heart could get out of hand.”
Colton sank to the stool next to him. “This is your trouble? An affair of the heart?”
He broodingly stared at the row of glass bottles along the back of the bar. “I just spent two days cleaning the heads as punishment for fighting with Ford.”
Colton let out a whistle followed by a low chuckle. Lincoln glared at him from the corner of his eye. “Man, that’s rough. I try to avoid the heads if possible.”
The toilets on base were never pristine, but Lincoln had been assigned to clean those in the barracks where the new recruits were staying. He remembered the nerves that went along with the first week of basic training all too well, but he didn’t need to see it firsthand.
But his commanding officer had said it was this or have an official inquiry, and Lincoln didn’t want that on his record.
“What’d Ford get for punishment?”
Lincoln lifted a shoulder and let it fall. “Don’t know. Don’t care. Whatever it is, I hope it’s double mine.”