Page 207 of Protective Heroes

Her question solicited a smile from both men.

Reece smiled and responded in a lazy drawl. “I assure you, we’d like to stay right where we are at, but I’m pretty sure the pilot is getting impatient. We better take our seats and buckle up. After that, we’ll get to work on finding out who’s behind today’s shit storm. Sound good?”

Abigail was bordering the edge of her comfort zone. Maybe a breather would do them all good. Time to think and reassess.

“Good idea.”

Caden reached between them and gathered her smaller hands in his, and then placed small kisses on the tops of each as he led her to their seats.

“Mr. Sterling, we’re ready for takeoff, sir,” the pilot called to Reece from the direction of the cockpit, breaking the spell both men held over her.

Reece leveled his attention on her. “Wait for me.”

Caden gave her hand a gentle squeeze then returned to his seat across the aisle from her.

“Not that I have anywhere else to go, right?” Abigail tried for nonchalant but only mustered a half smile. Reece narrowed his eyes and Caden shook his head. Damn, she really needed a filter between her head and her mouth.

Her cheeks flamed. “I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I really appreciate all this.” She gestured to the plane and the data Caden had pulled up on his laptop, which currently showed her employee profile. “It’s just a lot to take in.”

“I read you loud a clear, Abigail. We know this can’t be easy. But you can trust us.” Before walking off to speak with the pilot, Reece smiled, a warm and inviting gesture that reached his eyes. She took a mental picture and tucked it away for those special occasions when she needed something positive to recall during all this craziness.

She reclined against the head support and breathed out heavily. Reece and Caden were going to tie her in so many knots she’d never be free of them.

That brought about a warring thought. Did she ever want to be free? Her heart knew one answer and her head screamed for her to some sense of logic.

Heat warmed her face, and she pressed her knuckles into her cheeks and let her eyes drift closed. She needed to remove herself from the chaos a minute to catch her breath. Everything was moving so fast. They were moving too fast, sweeping her into a tailspin of desire at every turn.

But she couldn’t shake a nagging question. What if all this led to nothing more than a crash and burn? A quick fling brought on by the excitement of the night and the danger. She fantasized about being theirs, but at what cost?

She’d spent plenty of restless nights thinking about them but never thought anything would come of her fantasies. That was the point of having naughty thought, right? They were the safe zone where you could act out any number of sinful fantasies.

Now that they were way past first base and heading toward home plate, she needed to think, and fast. The guys seemed serious about protecting her. And there was no denying more came with the package. Could she take this further and still maintain a level of professionalism?

She laughed at her train of thought. Who was she kidding?

Warning bells sounded in her head about getting involved with her bosses. What would everyone think of her at work? Nothing good, that was for sure. If she followed through with the connection she felt toward both men, she’d have to find another job.

On that thought, she’d have to find another place to live too. Fingers of dread wound through her and tied into knots in her stomach. Thank God she’s skipped lunch and had no dinner to speak of or it might be all over the thick carpet at her feet right about now.

Flashing orange lights zipped below her small portal window and she watched the last of the crew clear the area so they could take off.

Caden’s cell rang, interrupting her train of thought. She turned to him and he motioned her closer.

“Hey, Sam, thanks for getting back with us. Sorry for taking you away from your family so late at night. Did Dane give you the rundown on what happened today?”

There was a short pause before Caden spoke. “Good. Listen, Sam, I need you to run a partial plate number from one of the vehicles we spotted tonight.”

Abigail pulled out the folded piece of brown paper bag Dane had written down for her from her front sweat’s pocket and handed it over to Caden.

“There’s more. Dane will send you photos of Ms. Torres’ vandalized car and the item left behind intended as a death threat for our client in the morning. We’d like to keep the car as evidence in our storage under lock and key until we get this all figured out. The less they know about what we have so far the better, know what I mean?”

Caden paused a noticeable amount of time, his face turning grimmer each minute. Whatever he was hearing he didn’t like. He locked a dark gaze on her before continuing with the person on the other end.

“Thanks for moving on this fast, Sam. Listen, I’ve gotta go. We’re wheels up in less than five and I have to get off here. Reece and I are heading to Mexico on a job. When you get something back, let us know. We’ll do the same. And if you need to get a hold of Ms. Torres, she’ll be with us at this number or Reece’s.” He pressed end on the call and placed the phone on the table.

“Son of a bitch!” Caden rubbed a hand across the scruff on his jaw and sat forward. His one expletive mirrored the hardened expression on his once relaxed face.

She frowned. “Something you can share?” Abigail drew out.