Who am I kidding? It’s because none of the others were worth bringing.
Angelina wasn’t even protesting the public display of affection by sitting on his lap. She just cuddled closer and closer until his cock was as hard as steel again.
Gauging the darkness, he eased his hand around her hip and down toward her pussy.
She went dead still and turned her head. “What are you doing?” she asked through a clenched jaw.
Brushing her hair aside, he pressed his lips to the delicious shell of her ear. “I’m ready for round two.”
She caught his head in her hands and turned his ear so she could whisper into it. “You have a lot to learn about loving a woman, Ford.”
He turned her so he could whisper into her ear. “I’m pretty sure you were more than satisfied last time I loved you.”
She launched to her feet and excused herself as she walked away from the fire.
“Uh-oh, brother. You picked a feisty one,” Haley said from several chairs away.
He didn’t respond, just went after his feisty little vixen. When he caught up to her, he grabbed her by the arm and spun her into his arms. “What do you mean I have a lot to learn about loving a woman?”
“I mean that you just want the sex and on your terms. That isn’t what I’m after in a relationship.”
In the moonlight, her eyes were dark but flashed with warning. He’d pissed her off by attempting to touch her that way in public, but no one could have seen from where they were sitting. His little professor wasn’t going to back down on this one, but if she believed he only wanted sex, she was wrong.
“I want you bad, baby. That’s no crime. But I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable back there. Let me make it up to you.” He gathered her close so she was flush against his body—and hardness.
She pushed against his chest, and he released her but kept hold of her hand. “Come on.”
He took her around the house and toward the sidewalk that meandered through the small residential area. As they walked, he felt her relax. Their shoulders bumped once or twice.
“Where are we going?”
“I’m giving you a tour of the neighborhood where I grew up.”
“What? Didn’t imagine I was going to do anything but drag you off like some caveman and fuck you?” His voice was amused.
She issued a short laugh. “Maybe a little bit.”
“You’re right, though. I don’t know how to love a woman—not properly. Because I’ve never been in love before now.”
She stopped walking. When he pivoted to touch the crest of her cheek and skim his thumb over her parted lips, he knew she was shocked.
“You don’t have to say anything back, Angelina. I know we haven’t been seeing each other for long. It’s just that I fell for you months ago.”
“But you never said anything.”
He cupped her face. “I battled to keep control, but I wanted you. You should know that I always get what I want once I’ve set my mind to it.”
“I’m not a conquest.”
“No. You’re already mine. That’s different. Don’t deny it, baby. We’re good together.”
“I don’t know how it can go on. My job?—”
“We keep it quiet until I graduate and then nobody can say a word.”
“You don’t think Ashwood will tell? He’d do anything to bring me down.”