Page 123 of Somber Prince

Sefri’s expression remained unchanged, with the wide smile plastered on her lips. “All Joy Vessels of Her Majesty are in excellent spirits. Happy and full of joy. Now,” she nudged me toward the pool. “Why don’t you take your clothes off, Sweet One? While I find you a suitable companion to take a bath.”

I stopped in my tracks.

“Are you expecting me to bathe right here? In front of everyone? And what exactly do you mean by a bath companion?”

I’d been naked in public baths back in Teneris. Like now, there had been other people around. Like here, they all had been strangers. But there was one important difference.

Back then, the curiosity of the shadow fae was innocent enough. They looked at me because I was different, someone they hadn’t seen before. After their curiosity had been satisfied, they moved their attention elsewhere, letting me be.

The attention of the people now was far more intrusive. There was a calculation in the assessing, scrutinizing stares burrowing into me, as if they already were planning all the ways to use me. I felt naked even with my clothes still on.

A few shadow fae headed our way, beelining across the garden paths and through the flower beds.

“Humans are delightful creatures,” Sefri purred into my ear. “They rejoice in giving. And what could be more rewarding than sharing your joy with those who can’t have it on their own? It costs you nothing, and it means so much to someone like…” She gestured at the first man coming toward us. “Like Councilor Jerti here.”

Her words flowed smoothly, like a well-practiced speech of a door-to-door salesman. I stiffened, realizing what she was trying to do.

“You can’t force me,” I said.

“There is no need to force.”

Holding my arm, she gently stroked the inside of my elbow with the tips of her fingers. The touch that would’ve been pleasant under different circumstances was mostly irritating now—an itch instead of a caress.

I scratched my arm, erasing the unpleasant sensation.

“Thanks, but I’d rather have a quick sponge bath and some rest. Alone. Do I get my own room?”

Sefri heaved a long, regretful sigh.

“The poor thing is tired,” she said apologetically in the direction of Councilor Jerti.

The man made a face, clearly displeased. To my relief, however, he retreated without a word of protest.

“They can’t force me,” I repeated in my head, calming my racing heart.

Forcing would kill the pleasure, and it’s my joy that they were after. That thought helped me relax a little as I followed Sefri up a staircase to a room on the very top floor, right under the roof.

“I’ll arrange for the tub to be brought in,” Sefri informed me before turning to leave.

“No need. I’ll be happy with a sponge bath.”

She pivoted back to me.

“I can’t allow for a Joy Vessel to be mistreated by denying her the utmost comfort in the sarai. You will enjoy your bath, even if you choose to hoard your pleasure all to yourself.”

She stomped out of the room, leaving me feeling guilty.

True, it’d cost me nothing. But I had little joy to share. I felt anxious about the future, worried about both my sister and my best friend, apprehensive about Rha’s meeting with the queen. All of this would be too distracting to focus on the bath and whatever pleasure it might give me. I just wanted to be left alone, to process all my thoughts and worries on my own.

The Keepers brought a big metal tub into my room, then filled it with warm water. Sefri poured some fragrant oils into it, masterfully scattered flower petals over the water, then laid a folded towel on the edge for me to rest my head on.

“All is ready, Sweet One,” she announced, as the other Keepers exited my room. “Do you still insist on bathing alone?”

Guilt stirred in me again. They had gone through all this trouble of carrying the heavy tub and buckets of water up the stairs all the way to the top floor.

At the same time, I couldn’t shake the feeling that all this had been designed to guilt me into submission. I didn’t ask for a full bath or for the oils and flower petals. I asked for privacy. And all Sefri had been doing was consistently pushing me to give it up.

It felt manipulative on her part, which did nothing to promote cooperation in me. They couldn’t force me into submission, but they certainly tried hard to guilt and manipulate me into it.