“Fuck him. He wants to meet up tell him to come here.”
I knock a smoke out of the pack on the table and my fuckin’ phone buzzes again. “Guess somebody can’t take no for an answer.” I flip the phone over and show the screen to Blood.
“Shit,” Blood hisses. “What the fuck does Jameson want?”
I swipe at the call. “Yeah?” Fuckin’ day has gone from bad to worse.
“You just have a conversation with Sandoval?”
Like the fucker didn’t know.
“Why the hell did you turn down his offer?”
“Cause it sounded like a goddamn setup where after I’m there for five minutes he’ll blow my brains out on his marble floor.”
“I negotiated this meeting with him. I want you and Blood to work it out with him. I’m tired of all this bullshit. The main reason you’re down there is to make inroads and smooth shit over.”
“A little heads-up might’ve been nice.”
“You’re getting that now, so call him back and make it happen. Convince him we didn’t put the hit on his wife and get regular shipments started. Don’t fuck it up.”
I fisted the dead phone, then slammed it on the table. “Jameson wants the meeting.”
“Also wants me to call Sandoval back. Says I’m to smooth shit over.”
I hit Sandoval’s number and after a few short sentences we set it up for an hour from now. I slammed my phone on the table and turned to Blood. “Talk about sticking your head in the lion’s mouth.”
“There’s no way you’re goin’ out there alone.”
“Oh, don’t worry, your ass is coming along with Bolt and Ricky.”
My phone pinged and I swiped at the message.
Marisol: This has gone on long enough. I’m confronting my father for the truth.
I reread the message twice, then tapped at the keyboard.
Smoke: Don’t do anything. I’m setting up a meeting with Rico today. Leave the villa, now.”
I gripped the phone tighter and waited for a response.
Blood leaned in. “What’s the matter? Jameson text you again?”
“Marisol. She’s talking about confronting Rico.”
I checked my messages again. No response.
“Fuck! Why can’t women do as they’re told?”
Blood smirked. “I think that’s what they call a rhetorical question, brother.”
“Get Ricky and Bolt. We’re leaving now.”
Acting on impulse, I stormed into the house without a plan. When I entered my father’s office he had the phone to his ear, but I didn’t let it deter me.