Page 33 of Loving Smoke

Blood’s eyes narrowed as he eyed my jeans. “Hurry up, we’re slammed downstairs.”

“I’ll be right down.”

“Marisol also went missing. Gina said she went out for a break and hasn’t been back. You seen her?”

“I’ll be right down,” I repeated, because shit, I didn’t know if Blood was on to us or if he was just fishing.

Icould hear Blood’s hard voice and he didn’t sound happy. He would be the one deterrent with my plan. The man barely uttered more than four words at a time, but I had a feeling he didn’t miss anything. Plus, with their history, he probably knew Smoke better than he knew himself.


While Smoke answered the door, I quickly retrieved my clothes and slipped into the adjoining bathroom. If this was to play out right, I couldn’t appear too anxious. I had to sell innocence, which wasn’t a stretch with my limited sexual experience.

The aftershocks of whatever just happened continued to pulse through me. I’d prepared myself to stay in the moment, but somehow Smoke’s X-rated body invaded me in more ways than one. I’d planned on faking the moans and whimpers, but they were all too real. I’d also planned on faking the orgasm, but that was way too real and totally unexpected especially since I’d never experienced an orgasm with any of my other partners. That fact shook me to my core and left me confused. How could a man I despised and hoped to take down bring me to such a euphoric place?

I finished cleaning up and slipped into my clothes, then exited the bathroom. There was no time to analyze my mixed-up emotions now especially when?—

“That was Blood. I gotta get downstairs.” Smoke entered the room and quickly closed the distance between us pulling me close. “We’re gonna figure this out.”

“I think we already did. You made yourself clear and I agree with you. It would be a very bad idea for us to get involved. Plus, I need this job and I don’t want to put it in jeopardy.”

He dug his fingers into my hair and angled his mouth to mine. After another sensuous kiss he pulled back and mumbled against my lips, “But I’m not ready to let you go yet, and there’s no fuckin’ way I can see you at the club and not want more of this.” He kissed me again and for a split second my sly, artful plan dissolved in a rush of emotion.

Concocting this strategy with Smoke as the main target came together easily when I was in my room at the villa. Seeking revenge and retribution kept me going for the last year. For the first time I had a slight understanding of my father’s need for vengeance.

“But for now, I gotta change and get back downstairs.” He stepped away from me and I missed the heat of his body. He pushed the tequila soaked jeans over his hips until they pooled at his feet. I told myself to turn away, but I had to admit the back of this sculpted man was as good as the front. Even his bare feet were sexy.

Stop ogling the enemy.

When he turned toward me a sly grin curved his lips. “I think you like what you see.”

“Definitely.” I walked backwards desperate to put some distance between us because after experiencing my first orgasm ever I didn’t trust myself. I knocked my calf on the footboard of his bed, righted myself, then headed for the door. It didn’t help I could hear him chuckling at my act of clumsiness as I fled his apartment.

I focused on the stairs in front of me and getting back to the last hour of work. I caught my breath and adjusted my game face determined to stay in character.

Putting my idea in motion wiped away the helpless feelings. It gave me a purpose and a reason to wake up every morning after months of debilitating depression. A way to finally wipe the slate clean and put the pain behind me. My natural skills for list making and setting goals played into the scheme, but organizing it all in my head and carrying it out were two different functions.

I certainly hadn’t planned on Smoke as a living, breathing sexy as hell male. Frankly, I always envisioned the Bastards as the devil without any human characteristics. I’d clumped them together and wasn’t prepared for the real-life in-your-face version. Or the person who gave me my first orgasm.

My sexual past would be categorized as mechanical at best and downright boring at worst. Mostly with partners I really didn’t care about, which led to just going through the motions. Sadly, although my former partners were capable, there was no excitement and therefore, no happy ending.

Then enters Smoke, a man who belongs to an MC club I’ve vowed to hate, and all I can think of is jumping back into bed for another round of the hottest sex I’ve ever experienced.

Not good.

Not good at all.


The next morning I gazed over the sparkling Pacific Ocean, but the clear cerulean water did nothing to ease the tension in my neck from my fitful sleep the night before.

I could still feel Smoke’s touch on my skin. Surprisingly gentle, yet demanding, as if he already knew what I wanted, what I needed. I couldn’t help questioning if it made him an expert with all women or just me. Those torturous questions kept me up all night. The speculation, the wondering, and then the ugly truth. What happened last night was only leverage, nothing more. Part of the scheme to wrap Smoke around my finger so when my father gave the ultimate order I would set Smoke up and he’d follow blindly.

A light tap on the door and then Marta stuck her head in the door. “Your father is ready to see you now.”

I smiled at the woman I’d known since childhood. A kind, caring woman who tried her best to soothe the pain and anguish I experienced after my mother’s death.

“Tell him I’m on my way.”