“Ohhhh, fuck. That’s some deep shit right there. Ain’t nobody got time to get tangled with the Feds.”
“And I’ll just bet all the DEA bullshit had something to do with a woman. Either roundabout or straight out.”
“Fuckin’ truth, man.” Blood and I broke out laughing. “I had my dick sunk tight into some rich pussy the morning of the raid. And don’t you know our chapter president pulled rank and ran my ass down here to the armpit of the world just to fuck me over and prove his point.”
“Looks like I’m not the only one on the run.” Bolt stroked the scruff on his jawline. “But I gotta tell ya, some things about Tijuana ain’t so bad. There’s plenty of hot pussy to go around who love to fuck, and most of ‘em give it away for free.”
I slapped the big man on the back. “Some of us never learn, right?”
“I admit it.” Bolt laughed around his words. “Ain’t nothing like bending a bitch over, grabbing onto them ass cheeks and driving my cock home.”
I turned to Blood. “I think he’s gonna fit in just fine.”
“Fit in where?” Bolt obviously had been screwed over more than once.
“We got a club on the main boulevard in Tijuana. We just gave it an overhaul. The Tropics.”
“Shit yeah, I heard of it. Some of the other fighters were talking about it.” Bolt leaned in. “Also heard you boys told Rico Sandoval to fuck off.”
“Nah, you heard wrong.”
“I don’t think so.” Bolt shook his head. “Cause I also heard the big man sent some of his guys to The Tropics to do a smash and grab last night.”
“Bad news travels fast.”
“Everybody in this city is connected somehow and since Sandoval owns most of the city the word gets around. He even owns this place.”
“The fight club?”
“Fuck, yeah. This and the chop shop. He backs the fights, sets them up, and promotes them. Even recruits the fighters.”
“Pays us like shit, but what the fuck.” Bolt threw out his thick arms. “I get a place to stay.” Bolt motioned to a row of single story connected rooms resembling an army barracks. “Shit is dirt cheap down here so sooner or later I’ll get enough cash together to cover my bills and head back to the States.”
“What if I told you we could improve on both the money and your living conditions?”
“You mean, not fight anymore?”
“Right.” Blood cut a look to me and I nodded my approval. “We could use you at The Tropics.”
“Doin’ what? Cause I ain’t that great with numbers and shit.”
“No worries. We’re trying to add to our club down here. We’d like to take you on as an enforcer.”
“Yeah, the guy who takes care of busting heads when necessary.”
“Fuck, yeah. I can handle that, for sure.”
“I believe you can.” I smiled around my words. Nothing better than a man who knew his talents.
“Just one thing. Sandoval ain’t gonna be happy about me leaving the fight club.” Bolt ran his tongue over his lower lip. “Might make trouble for you if he finds out you grabbed me up.”
“Let us worry about Sandoval.”