Page 27 of Loving Smoke

“Talk about primitive. They’re fighting in the fuckin’ dirt.”

Money changed hands around us along with shouts and jeers from the men in both English and Spanish. Two guys dragged the loser away as the referee hustled into the circle and declared a guy named Bolt as the winner.

“He’s the one.” Blood jerked his chin and they caught up with him on the other side of the circle.

“Hey, hold up,” I called out. The guy was massive. Wider than Blood and taller than me. Fuckin’ huge.

The big man turned, eyeballed us and like most alphas he sized us up too.

“You looked good in there.” Blood flanked him on one side me on the other.

His eyes darted between us. “Who the fuck are you two?”

“We’re the guys who’re gonna get you outta this shit hole.” Blood angled him away from the crowd where it was a little quieter.

“You’re Bolt, right?”

“That’s me.” Bolt dragged his muscled arm over his sweaty forehead.

“You annihilated that guy.”

Bolt did some air boxing. “It’s what I do.” He grinned exposing a gold tooth and swear to fuck it made him look even scarier than his fighting skills.

“How come you’re fighting down here and not in the States?”

“Cause I got two ex-wives and a couple baby mamas on my ass.”

“Shit, that sucks.”

“Yeah, the exes are blood sucking me for money. Seems the judge didn’t care that both of ‘em were fuckin’ other guys in my bed. The very bed I paid for with the sweat off my balls.”

“I hear ya, brother.” Blood and I exchanged a look. “Women.”

“Bet your ass, women. The others claim they got kids by me even though I wrap my dick up tight every time.”

“Sounds like you live up to your name.”

Bolt cocked his head then let out a deep belly laugh. “Good one.”

“My prez has had a lot of experience with sideways women.”

“I don’t mind sideways, back-ways, or fuckin’ upside down, but the bitches I know just wanna screw me outright.”

“I’m guessing you’re looking to make some extra scratch with all these debts and obligations.”

“Damn straight. Can’t get my ass back to the States until I settle some of these lawyer bills and warrants.”

“We might be able to help you with that.”

Bolt’s eyes narrowed. Giving a man a way to get out of debt and stay out of jail usually got their full attention.

Bolt nodded at me and directed his question to Blood. “How come you called him prez?”

Blood turned showing Bolt our colors. “Royal Bastards. We’re an MC relocated to Tijuana. Smoke is the prez. I’m the VP.”

“I’m guessing outlaw bikers.”

“Fuck, yeah. As my VP said, we’re in Tijuana now, but we used to ride outta San Diego, fuckin’ ruled Southern California until we got infiltrated by a rat from the DEA.”