He yelled something in Spanish, then hopped through the open car door and into the back seat seconds before it sped away. I fired once more at the back of the car, then I rushed to Marisol’s side.
I easily scooped her up and she burrowed into my chest. Her heart was pounding so hard I could feel it through her thin tank top. I rushed into the club and set her on her feet.
“Are you all right?” I did a quick scan of her body for any gunshot wounds. Having been shot I knew you could be hit and not realize it until the adrenaline wore off.
She looked down at herself, then up at me, her big, onyx eyes wide with fear. “I think so.”
Thank fuck for that. Not too many things went my way lately, but at least this innocent girl didn’t get caught in the violence of my world.
When her shoulders shook I hauled her to me again and stroked her back. If I had my way, I’d hold her for the rest of the night, then tuck the two of us into my bed. The first time would be fast and hard to get rid of the vision of sweet Marisol with a gun pointed at her head, but the second time would be so fuckin’ slow that I’d drag every moan out of her until she was pleading for my cock.
Yeah right, like that might happen. Shut it down fucker before getting robbed at gunpoint isn’t your only problem.
The panicked voices of the customers rose in Spanish and English with questions and wanting to know what the fuck happened just a few short minutes ago.
Ricky and Blood herded everyone out of the club telling them we were closed for the rest of the night. Some of the girls clucked around Marisol making sure she was all right, but I wasn’t letting her out of my sight.
Blood flanked me on the other side. “We need to talk.”
“Let me just take care of her first.”
Blood gave Marisol a long look. “She looks fine to me.” Then he threw me a look that said, stop fuckin’ around.
“Just give me a minute.” I nailed Blood with a ‘don’t fuck with me cause I’m still your prez’ look.
Blood headed toward the office and I caught up to Marisol who’d walked to the other side of the room like she was trying to get away from me. She still didn’t have a car and there was no fuckin’ way I was letting her walk home alone after what just happened.
Bad idea which would definitely end in disaster, yet I couldn’t stop myself. Even though she wouldn’t admit it, she was shook, and fuck me but I wanted to be her savior.
When Marisol entered the back hallway, I followed her. I stopped briefly at the office door knowing I should have a meeting with Blood to discuss what happened. I told myself not to push through the back door, not to follow her or engage her in any way, but I did—and when I saw her eyeing my Harley I had to say something.
“Ever been on a motorcycle?”
She startled then spun around. “I was just . . . it’s very nice.”
The matte black and gold trim went way past nice. I put a lot of work into the maintenance and detailing and it came second only to my club brothers.
I stood next to Marisol and damn if she didn’t smell good. How that could be possible after being held at gunpoint in a smoky strip club, but yeah, she smelt good enough to eat. Ahhh, shit what the fuck was wrong with my brain?
“Have you ever ridden?”
She shook her head wide-eyed like I asked her if she ever put her head in a lion’s mouth.
“Hop on and I’ll give you a ride home.” Right, like I needed to feel her hot little body pressed up against me while the V-Twin engine of my Harley vibrates my dick into oblivion.
I flung my leg over the seat then nodded at Marisol and she climbed on behind me. Just like I suspected her body pressed up against mine was unbelievable sweet torture.
“Hold on tight and move with me.” I wound her arms around my waist, then throttled the engine and kicked the bike to life pulling out of the lot with her plastered up against me.
She moved with me like she’d been riding forever and all the reactions I’d spent two months avoiding came flooding through my cock like a tsunami.
When we got to the address she gave me I missed the warmth of her body the minute she dismounted.
“Thanks for the ride.” Our eyes locked and I couldn’t help thinking she was feeling it too.
I threw my leg over the saddle, then sat sideways on the seat. I caught her hand between mine and pulled her close. “You handled yourself good tonight.”
“Thanks. It all happened so fast, I just reacted.”