Doubtful. “That so? I’m not staring at a succubus who decided to get a little power surge…and a horny-ass demon who is about to learn a whole new meaning to the word ‘hurt’ right now?”
“Succubus?” Cole repeated and gave a low sigh. “Yep, that would explain some things.”
Seline’s cheeks flushed. Sam wasn’t sure if that was from anger or embarrassment, and, why would a succubus feel either right then?
He hesitated.
“My clothes were covered in blood,” she snapped. “I was covered in blood. I showered, and I didn’t have anything else to wear. I was not putting those back on again.” She pointed to the bloodstained pile of clothing.
That bit he could buy, but why had Cole been close enough to take a bite out of her? Sam slanted a hard glance the demon’s way.
Cole had his hands up. “Easy. There was some blood on her cheek. I was just wiping it away.” There was a cloth in his right hand. Cole’s chin lifted. “Though I won’t say that I wasn’t tempted.”
As they glared at each other, Cole’s eyes narrowed and bled to black. “If you knew she was a succubus, then you knew what she’d need. Next time, you’d better take care of her.”
Or I will.
Sam clenched his teeth. He could see the message in Cole’s gaze. One of the reasons he liked the demon—Cole wasn’t the type to scare easily.
He also loved the ladies, too much.
“Don’t worry,” Sam managed. “I’ve got her.” And you stay the fuck away from now on. Sam knew his message would be crystal clear in his gaze, too.
“Uh, excuse me?” Seline interrupted, waving her hands near his face. “You don’t have anything.” She was still pale, but her body wasn’t trembling.
She still needed him.
“Get out, Cole,” Sam ordered bluntly.
Cole shrugged. He cast one more look at Seline, and then he headed for the door.
Sam pushed down his—what the hell? Was it really jealousy eating its way through his stomach?—and offered Seline his hand. “Let me help you.” Kissing her wasn’t exactly a hardship.
“You bastard!”
He blinked.
“You come in here, acting like a jerk, ready to attack Cole. And, yes, I saw your eyes, so I know what you were planning. You bust in here, do your Hulk routine, and then you actually think I’m going to jump into your arms!”
That would have been the best scenario for him, yes.
“Just so you know.” She belted the robe around her middle even tighter. “I don’t need your help. Whatever your brother did, it was temporary. No permanent damage, so don’t feel like you have to sacrifice that hot body of yours for me again.”
It hadn’t exactly been a sacrifice. Sam stared at her and decided to be honest. She deserved that much. “He showed you hell.”
Her lips parted. “Uh, come again?”
“You saw fire, right? I’m betting flames of nearly every color, and they were bright and hungry and it seemed like they were feeding on your flesh.” Been there, done that, and he’d never forget the trip. “It’s a trick some angels can manage. It’s an illusion, nothing more, but let’s just say it’s a tool that’s real effective at getting some individuals to repent.”
She rolled her shoulders. “It sure felt real. I could even taste the ash.”
Because Az was so powerful. With a lesser angel or Fallen, the illusion wouldn’t have been as consuming.
Sam stepped toward her.
She stiffened. “I said I didn’t need any power. I’m fine now.”