Page 139 of Angel Betrayed

The lust had always been the easy part for them. The emotions—those were a whole different story.

But Sam reached for her again. He held her tight, and they seemed to fall into the nearby black leather chair. “You’re sure you’re not a dream?”

She shook her head.

His breath rushed out on a relieved sigh. “I’ve got demons and shifters searching for you. They’re all over the world. I didn’t know where to look—I didn’t know where you’d fall.”

“Colorado.” That was where she’d ended up. Good thing it had been a warm time of the year or she would have frozen her naked ass off.

He swallowed, and she saw the slow bob of his Adam’s apple. “I didn’t want you to suffer anymore.”

“And I wanted my freedom.”

He blinked and seemed surprised. Why? Didn’t he understand?

“I wasn’t free there, Sam. I couldn’t breathe. The angels didn’t seem to feel anything.” Seem. She’d caught glimpses, though, that told her things might not have been quite as they appeared.

“You are free now,” he told her, though the words were growled. “You can go wherever you want. Do what you want.”

Rogziel wasn’t after her any longer, but she had other enemies. “There are those who will always be after me.” Vengeance. Over the years, she’d made plenty of enemies who would want revenge.

“No, you don’t have to worry. They’re dead.”

Her lips parted in surprise. “What?”

“They’re dead, or they know that if they don’t want to be dead, they’ll stay away from you.” He brushed back her hair. “When you fell, I didn’t want one of them finding you first, so I made sure that word spread—you’re protected. Always.” His lips twisted. “Besides, that was the deal, right?”

The deal. She remembered another night. Same club. Different fear.

“I keep my deals,” he told her as his gaze searched hers.

Yes, she knew he did. No matter how deadly those deals were.

“You helped me to find my brother, and now, if you want your freedom, I won’t stop you.”

Seline shook her head. “Do you think I went to all the trouble of falling, of having my wings burned off, just so that I could walk away from you?”

He blinked. Then his hands smoothed up her back. Through her blouse, she could feel the light pressure of his fingertips on her scars. Pleasure whispered over her.

Oh, wow.

Seline licked her lips. “I figure you owe me, Fallen.”

His mouth kicked up in just the faintest smile, and she was sure his eyes lightened. “Seems you told me that before.”

“Well, yes, I did. Because every time I turn around, you’re owing me.” She tried to sound cocky and assured, but Seline suspected he saw right through her act.

“I’ll give you anything.”

“That’s sure a different tune you’re singing now.” She’d had to fight her way to get his agreement before.

“I’m different. You made me that way.” His fingers were still tracing her scars, and little shivers skirted over her body. “Say it, and it’s yours. Tell me what you want.”

Okay. Screw the speech she’d planned. Seline decided to just tell him what was in her heart. “I want you.” Not for a day or a few weeks. “I want to stay with you forever.”

His breath expelled in a rush. “You’ve got me.” His mouth took hers, and the desire whipped through her blood. Against her lips, he rasped, “Sweetheart, you had me from the moment you came into my dreams and stopped the nightmares.”

Ah, what? She pulled back and frowned at him. “You—you thought I was trying to kill you back then!”