At first, I think he assumes I am just another victim in this deadly blast, but then, something registers in his mind.
He has to know now that it’s not a coincidence that I just happen to be near him, or that I am near where the bomb went off. In my mind, I see him replaying my role and time here at the Ports. I’ve worked all of the same shifts he has. While we haven’t spoken more than a handful of times, I have always been around. Watching and waiting in the background. He has to know now. He has to be aware that I am not just a security guard, but with the police, too.
Nathan uses all of his strength to push himself up on wobbly legs. Following his lead, I hold in the screams I want to expel as I find a way to stand. There is only one exit now, all others are either blocked with debris from the blast or full of the raging fire.
“It’s just us now,” I manage to yell to him.
Nathan nods and a smile barely creeps up on his lips. “So, you’ve been watching me?” he asks, but it is more of a statement.
“Yes. Why don’t we just end this now and you come with me and you can turn yourself in,” I say.
Little does he know, I am goading him. If I had learned one thing in my time fighting, it was that the bad guys never backed down, nor did they give in this easily.
Shaking his head, Nathan begins to slowly back away toward the only clear exit, which leads out to the docks and water. “No way. If I turn myself in, I’m as good as dead. The guys who are after me will kill me before your police or justice system can throw me in jail,” he screams at me.
It is sad, but true. However, that’s not my problem. My job here is to capture him and take him to the authorities. If he is worried, then he never should have gone down the path of crime.
“I can help you,” I say, lying through my teeth.
“Thanks, but I will take my chances,” Nathan says, starting to hobble toward the docks.
I go after him, slow and steady, but never losing sight of him. Behind me in the distance, I can hear the wails of the firetrucks and ambulances. I have no idea where Matt or the rest of the men are, so I say a silent prayer that everyone is alright.
“Stop following me,” Nathan yells, before speeding up. He is running now and I know he must be in pain.
I begin running, my legs feeling as though they are going to break off at any second. If Nathan makes it to the docks, he can jump on one of the boats or swim his way to shore. I have to catch him before he can make it there.
My pace quickens and I know I am running primarily on adrenaline. I ignore the pain and heat that seems to follow me from the scorching fire that is threatening my life.
I catch up to Nathan and extend my arms, grabbing him by the shoulders and tackling him to the hard ground.
We roll as we both slam onto the concrete. Maneuvering myself so that I am on top of him, I reach into my back pocket for my gun and cuffs. If I can just apprehend him, I can find a way to get back up here.
Nathan sees me reaching and he brandishes a gun, startling me. Before he can place his finger on the trigger of his 9 mm pistol, I land a punch on his jaw, cursing his head to fall back.
This gives me a few seconds to move myself and to get my gun and cuffs out while he is regaining his composure.
My hand finds my pistol and as I bring it out in front of me, I hear a loud blast before Nathan’s eyes widen. Then, everything fades to black once again.
Chapter 29
The heat from the fire is so intense, I can barely breathe.
The paramedics have asked me to move away from the fire and fence, but I refuse to move. Not until I see Ryder.
My phone buzzes in my pocket and I quickly pull it out, hoping it is Ryder. However, no such luck. It’s a group text with me, Ashley, and Kirsten.
Ashley: We were stopped by the police. We can’t go in any further. Where are you?
Me: I’m with Ryder’s friend, Matt. He’s still in the Port.
Kirsten: Stay safe and keep us updated. We won’t leave until you tell us to.
Me: Thank you
I tuck my phone back into my pocket and keep my eyes focused on the raging fire. I keep hoping to see Ryder appear, jumping through the fire like the hero he is.